Any update on a fix for this? the memory leaking is severely affecting the usability of this tool. I have an older machine here so I can't easily upgrade (MacbookPro3,1 (w/ 6GB of DDR2 RAM + Samsung SSD) + OSX 10.6.8 + Chrome 49 + ScriptBlock 1.5 + ABP 3.5 + TO 1.4.134 + 5 windows (4 with 4~5 tabs, 1 with 20 tabs)) and within a few mins of browsing, the memory usage of just the TO process goes from 160MB to ~400MB, this is *without the TO window even being open*. After an hour of *doing nothing* (ie: not browsing) the memory usage balloons to ~900MB ~1.5GB!! I have to constantly disable/enable this extension to prevent this from sucking up all RAM and causing the system to go down. I can literally watch the memory usage shoot up linearly via the graph in iStat Menus.
I really think this is a great extension and rely on it heavily but am disappointed that memory management is a bit lacking. Do you dealloc() memory for unused objects you create? or have you tried looking into troubleshooting/profiling memory issues for extensions running in Chrome's v8 JS engine? Perhaps "lazy-loading" would help? Just throwing out suggestions....
Have a lot of other great ideas on how to potentially improve the browsing experience via TO too, ie: making the UI easier to organize / navigate / switch tabs, but I'll hold off on that for now...
Any update on a fix for this? the memory leaking is severely affecting the usability of this tool. I have an older machine here so I can't easily upgrade (MacbookPro3,1 (w/ 6GB of DDR2 RAM + Samsung SSD) + OSX 10.6.8 + Chrome 49 + ScriptBlock 1.5 + ABP 3.5 + TO 1.4.134 + 5 windows (4 with 4~5 tabs, 1 with 20 tabs)) and within a few mins of browsing, the memory usage of just the TO process goes from 160MB to ~400MB, this is *without the TO window even being open*. After an hour of *doing nothing* (ie: not browsing) the memory usage balloons to ~900MB ~1.5GB!! I have to constantly disable/enable this extension to prevent this from sucking up all RAM and causing the system to go down. I can literally watch the memory usage shoot up linearly via the graph in iStat Menus.
I really think this is a great extension and rely on it heavily but am disappointed that memory management is a bit lacking. Do you dealloc() memory for unused objects you create? or have you tried looking into troubleshooting/profiling memory issues for extensions running in Chrome's v8 JS engine? Perhaps "lazy-loading" would help? Just throwing out suggestions....
Have a lot of other great ideas on how to potentially improve the browsing experience via TO too, ie: making the UI easier to organize / navigate / switch tabs, but I'll hold off on that for now...
Thanks for creating this!