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Hi PW. That was a rollercoaster thread!

To be clear I'm not saying TO is ending but that Google is discontinuing the API (Manifest V2) it uses to communicate with the browser. See the link in my original note to Vlad and the key timeline image inserted below. Without significant work to port to the new Manifest V3 TO will stop working.

As you've seen, my model is that BrainTool will be free for use up to 300 saved items (its currently totally free for now). Your data is stored in plain text and available to you at any time, so no lock in. The tool is still very much under development and I'm actively seeking feedback on direction. While its not my main focus I hope to cover the session management aspect of TO at some point this year at which point it should be fully feature compatible. 

I don't understand what you mean by using TO as a bookmark organizer, IMO BrainTool should be able to meet you needs there. I know a number of TO users have successfully made the transition. I'd love to hear more and suggest you follow up on the BT discussion forum: https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/braintool-discussion