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I agree, I just found it and paid for upgrade, worth it and I'd miss it and feel lost without it now!

Damn, Tony your extension deals with bookmarks but I use Tabs Outliner as a bookmark organiser itself so it doesn't fulfil my needs and doesn't have same functionality, why is Tabs Outliner ending? :(

I would love if someone took over, I would pay for another key if you could replicate Tabs Outliner, the functionality it has is amazing 

Holy cow's I just searched BrainTool on chrome extension and it looks AMAZING!

I'm downloading it and testing it out

Honestly Tony I think adding the notes on the side is brilliant and was thinking the exact same thing integrating notes.

I would love to have my subscription transferred over as I literally just acquired it a minute ago haha. But gladly play for a new one though I'll have to look into your subscription model, I'm not fond of monthly and perfer one of fee

I just discovered this extension and it's changed my life and I use it exclusively. I also upgraded and now you're saying it will be gone by year end? The upgrade fee is worth it even for a year for an amazing tool the developer created but I'm terribly sad to lose this. 
Does your (@Tony) extension replicate Tabs Outliner? I would gladly pay a fee to support this. I also use Tabs Outliner as a BrainTool so look forward to seeing how you develop your own version.
Any chance I can test your tool Tony?