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This is a script for a Windows tool called Autohokey (autohotkey.com) I can't help you w/the registration; I'm just an end user. 

I made a little autohotkey script to do this using shift-F2 to automatically rename the Tabs Outliner window group to the title of the currently active Chrome tab (note that this won't work inside Tab Outliner, but inside Chrome on the tab you want to use as the name):

#HotIf WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1") && !WinActive("Tabs Outliner")
	Title := WinGetTitle("A")
	try {
		MenuSelect "A",, "0&", "Name window"
		Send Title . "{Enter}"
	Send "^q"
	Send "{LEFT 5}{F2}" 
	Send Title . "{Enter}"

This is a no-brainer. Ideally tabs outliner should automatically name the windows by default to the first tab's title. As an alternative option, intergrating with ChatGPT to name the group based on all of the titles in the current window would be a great addition.

Kundesupport af UserEcho