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I use this: https://github.com/Lorenzo501/MinimizedTabsOutliner-wrapped.ps1.bat
Just save that batch script somewhere, do that thing it mentions in the README, make a shortcut to the batch script, set the shortcut to open as minimized (right click and then Properties), put the shortcut in your Windows Startup folder (WinKey+R and then type shell:startup), download WinSize2 and set it up for the tabs outliner window, set the chrome shortcut to open as maximized (right click and then Properties), also if you haven't done the following already, go into the tabs outliner settings and enable: "Open Tabs Outliner window on Chrome startup." And I think you need to install AutoHotKey for WinSize2 to work (it has a bunch of AHK scripts, so yeah I think so but I already had it). And then you're done!
You could even go a step further by downloading another chrome extension as well, called "Maximize Dragged Tab". Chrome in general and with tabs outliner works waaaay better then and opens tabs outliner by opening and closing chrome really quick. It has to open chrome for a very short amount of time so that the tabs outliner window gets scrolled to the bottom. You could technically open chrome as hidden but then it won't automatically scroll the tabs outliner window to the bottom, which is annoying because that's where all the newly saved tabs are.
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You can use this AutoHotKey script with the path to the .bat script to start it completely hidden (better than shortcut):
#Requires AutoHotkey 2.0.5
Run "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Minimized Tabs Outliner (wrapped .ps1).bat",,"Hide"