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I'm a UX/DX Developer and Marketing Representative, and I think we're getting balled up in the aesthetics of things...  I too found it suspicious that I had to go into the cart to get the price...  I bet your cart abandonment rate is in the 90 percentile.  That's an easy fix.

More important than that though, is where is the guarantee behind your product?  Going through your sales funnel, not only did I not know what it was going to cost me, but I didn't know what I was getting and I didn't know what I could do about it if I changed my mind for any reason.

The initial security a company creates for their potential buyer defines how much that person is willing to pay for that item or service. 

Ex.  If you have a crappy product, but a killer support team to help troubleshoot things and a no questions moneyback guarantee, your cart abandonment will go down, sales will increase and most importantly, consumer retention will automatically be higher. Consumer loyalty will automatically be higher.

The initial psychology is wrapped around the concepts of "risk" vs "value" (value = what a person is willing to pay).


With that, because I too abandoned the cart, I'll give you my 2 cents worth of knowledge and advice.  My recommendation would be:

A 30 day, no money, no credit card trial should be offered.  A signup form should be easy and nonthreatening.

1. Upon signing up for the trial, a welcome email including documentation, support numbers, links to support forums, use cases, etc...  Let the user know you will check in in 15 days, but they can feel free to reach out sooner.

2. Day 15, an email gets sent with an individual case manager's information / contact / image should be sent with a auto-generated, but custom email seeing if they have had an opportunity to test the product (If not, offer to pause the trial).  If yes, ask if they are having problems.  If yes, have them set up an appointment for their case manager to call them and address all within the trial.

3. Day 27, an email gets sent to reming them to add their credit card for payment, offer links to sign up for monthly billing and adding auto-pay.  Also, get feedback on the process so you can do better.

4. Upon Payment, an email goes out "Congratulations" and "Thank You" must be present along with a list of common resources for commonly asked questions.

5. On Day 31 if no payment is made, a simple "Sorry to see you Go" email should be sent with a 50% off offer for the same package and a gateway to run that transaction.

6. Depending how desperate you are for sales, on day 45 you could email the potential client offering up to 90% off for 1 year.