Can't open tabs by double clicking after I move them around in the tree
I can open a bunch of tabs and open whichever one I want by double clicking on it. However, once I move a tab to re-order it in the tree, I cannot open that tab anymore from within the TO window. When I double click on it, it simply opens the parent tab. This is frustrating because I reorder my tabs frequently.
I tried closing and reopening chrome. I also tried reinstalling the extension.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Cannot reproduce this problem, please report your OS and Chrome version
Version 46.0.2490.80 (64-bit)
Mac OSX Yosemite Version 10.10.4
Thank you, have no access for MAC now, but I will check it. For how long do you use TO and was this problem exist for example 2 days ago? I updated a version recently, maybe it's some new bug
I just started using it today. I was trying out the features and ran into this.
Is there a way to get the older version?
You can try this link for testing purposes:
it's a previous version.
but maybe it's not very good idea to continue use it for long time, as i use it for development purposes and will update eventually.
It will be very cool if you will be able to check older version for this problem and report the results. Thank you in advance.
That fixed the issue!
Let me know when you update the release version and I can test again.
This must be fixed already in v1.4.127