Under review

Taskbar icon for Tabs Outliner in Windows

ilker Kocyigit 11 years ago updated by Szymon Kołodziejczyk 11 years ago 2
Hi, Great tool, just started using after getting tired of Firefox. A question : 
I am working on multiple monitors and virtual desktops on windows 8.1. When I need to visit a webpage I first find a Chrome page (or open a new one if there is none at the current desktop) and then click Tabs outliner icon to bring it to the front. Instead I wanted to "pin" Tabs outliner to the taskbar so whichever monitor or virtual desktop I am at I can reach it with one click from taskbar easily. I tried a below things without success : 

- Open Tabs outliner and pin it to taskbar (it just pins Chrome)
- Save Tabs outliner link and pin that shortcut to taskbar. (It opens tabs outliner as a regular tab)

Is it possible to pin tabs outliner to taskbar ? Actually the best would be a taskbar icon plus a keyboard shortcut.

Keep up the great work! 
Under review
It's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to open TO (in the Chrome Settings\Extensions), but i think it will open TO only if the Chrome already opened and focused.

As for opening TO by some icon in task bar... well, as you already found it's possible to open it in a regular tab. Opening it directly as stand alone application is planed, but not in the near future i think...  yet I will think about adding the option to always open TO in a panel like window, this will close this case.
That option would be nice. Every time when I want to browse some webpages at work or at house, I need to start Chrome, click TO button, close new tab in TO and restore last session with my saved tabs - that's huge time waster.

Maybe it would be possible (and not a big problem) to create shortcut in Chrome App Launcher?

As everyone else here, I love your extension, it helps me soo much :)

Best regards,