Not a bug

Incognito windows open as normal windows in TO

Yak Rider 12 ár síðan Uppfært 10 ár síðan 4

Currently, all outliner tabs open in normal chrome windows, even when initially (before they were closed), they were incognito tabs. 

This can be a real pain because often times we work with one logged in  normal window, and several incognito tabs without identifying information, when accidentally opened through tab outliner without incognito mode, this can be very dangerous for our identity (and for many others in sensitive work or locations around the world)

It appears that opening incognito is simply providing the -incognito switch when starting up a window/tab, so hopefully this would be easy to fix? 

Thanks a lot for this wonderful product, it makes workflow so much easier without constantly having chrome eat up half the computer memory!


Not a bug

> this can be very dangerous for our identity (and for many others in sensitive work or locations around the world)

Just please don't enable the Tabs Outliner in incognito mode. And you sensitive information will be fine. This is the default and there is reasons for this, as you already found, some of them.

Or consider to create a new separate  profile for your incognito related work, if it is happens to have dozen of windows every time. 

> It appears that opening incognito is simply providing the -incognito switch when starting up a window/tab, so hopefully this would be easy to fix? 

No it's not as easy as you think. The issue is way more complicated than just reopening the windows in incognito mode. The incognito mode is not supported meantime, and most likely will never be. Please disable the Tabs Outliner for your incognito windows.

Not a bug

> this can be very dangerous for our identity (and for many others in sensitive work or locations around the world)

Just please don't enable the Tabs Outliner in incognito mode. And you sensitive information will be fine. This is the default and there is reasons for this, as you already found, some of them.

Or consider to create a new separate  profile for your incognito related work, if it is happens to have dozen of windows every time. 

> It appears that opening incognito is simply providing the -incognito switch when starting up a window/tab, so hopefully this would be easy to fix? 

No it's not as easy as you think. The issue is way more complicated than just reopening the windows in incognito mode. The incognito mode is not supported meantime, and most likely will never be. Please disable the Tabs Outliner for your incognito windows.


what is the reasons to store incognito windows in the Tabs Outliner tree if it is so sensitive and dangerous if somebody can found the traces of visiting there links...


It is generally a bad idea to enable any extension in Incognito window. So i really advise to pull the switch back.

I agree with what you said, and I understand not many will use this, and is not a good typical use case, so it will not be implemented anyway, but the idea was that the titles/urls to the sites saved wouldnt be sensitive enough, and all the sites are individually password protected anyway, so for this use case it doesnt matter, but preserving the state in urls would be very important for research which is where the TabOutliner would be handy to close / restart them at that url state. However, still would have to be done incognito for various reasons, including that some set of extensions would need to be disabled before safely using these sites, that other stored information would like to be cleared after session end, etc.

Anyway, no worries that this is not something you want to implement, Completely understand. Thanks!