Ability to filter tabs (not just use built in search)
Actually filtering tabs (instead of just searching for a keyword) is useful when you're trying to "clean up" a large session.
Consider the case where you have a bunch of wikipedia tabs open, and you want to move them all into their own group. If you could filter for wikipedia and select multiple tabs (with ctrl/shift clicking, etc) then you could drag them all into their own group to quickly "clean up" your session and pull out the things that are important and close the things that aren't.
Also, if you implement your own filtering function (instead of relying on chrome's) it lets you implement more powerful filtering like logical AND, OR, NOT for filtering/search criteria.

exactly, if you extend that kind of filterng functionality, you could create a special kind of "group/search" node that automatically collects tabs that apply to a given search (such as an "image" group/collection, or a collection for wikipedia tabs, so you can quickly see the number of tabs opened of a given type or from a particular domain).
If the underlying functionality was there, it could definitely be extended in interesting ways.

This feature is for sure needed. It will appear along with support additional (accidental) tree documents.

This feature is for sure needed. It will appear along with support additional (independent) tree documents.

+1 for this feature and +1 for regex support
I see this is planned, awesome... for the actual searching I'd love to see and suggest a similar approach to the Quick Tabs extension.
To summerise:
* When TO window is open and focused, starting to type starts to filter with regex support
Here is a 20s video of me using Quick Tabs: http://youtu.be/tcu4_GS7qs4
Quick Tabs source code is on GitHub: https://github.com/babyman/quick-tabs-chrome-extension

I've posted a feature suggestion to Quick Tabs, maybe you'll be interested:

As many other important things.
Through soon there was a summer vacation and i hope to make some steps forward.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This feature is for sure needed. It will appear along with support additional (independent) tree documents.