Є відповідь

Background processes

Jorr 11 років тому оновлено vladyslav volovyk 11 років тому 1

TO seems to hold in memory active Chrome processes even for persisted tabs that should not be open. Is this necessary, because apart from visual clarity, I really use TO to reduce memory usage of Chrome and I am unsure as to whether this really happens?

The screenshots below are from Chrome running *only* the Tabs Outliner window

Main chrome process in Task Manager:

Background processes in Task Manager:



Є відповідь

TO does not hold in memory any Chrome processes for closed from it (or by Chrome itself) tabs.

You can easily see same artifacts on a Chrome without installed TO or with disabled Tabs Outliner. That's how Chrome work. 

Є відповідь

You can easily see same artifacts on a Chrome without instaled TO or with disabled Tabs Outliner. That's how Chrome work. 

Є відповідь

TO does not hold in memory any Chrome processes for closed from it or from Chrome itself tabs

You can easily see same artifacts on a Chrome without installed TO or with disabled Tabs Outliner. That's how Chrome work. 

Є відповідь

TO does not hold in memory any Chrome processes for closed from (or by Chrome itself) tabs.

You can easily see same artifacts on a Chrome without installed TO or with disabled Tabs Outliner. That's how Chrome work. 

Є відповідь

TO does not hold in memory any Chrome processes for closed from it (or by Chrome itself) tabs.

You can easily see same artifacts on a Chrome without installed TO or with disabled Tabs Outliner. That's how Chrome work.