
Migrating Tabs Tree in Chrome OS/Chromebooks

Chris Wimmer vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 4
The current workaround I have is:
  1. Drag tree to gdoc.
  2. Copy fro gdoc to Excel.
  3. Use macro to extract urls and copy them one column to the right.
  4. In new Chrome OS, copy and past list of urls from each branch into an extension like OpenList, then save window in new tree.
  5. Repeat until all branches are migrated.
It's a bit lengthy. On Chrome OS I can't access the extension data or save as an html.

Wird überprüft
And what happen on Chrome OS when you press Ctrl-S? 
BTW, why just not leave all your old data in the GDoc - it's editable, and links can be opened : ))

I am now work on a Import\Export\Autobackup through Google Drive. Plan to release it in 2 months. Until that seems that procedure you describe will be an only option for you.

It will be possible though to write some extension that will allow more automatic import through drag & drop. Same way as i support drag and drop of hierarchies from files saved through Ctrl-S. But i dont plan to do so. You can try it yourself if you have the programming knowledge - check how data is transferred during Drag&Drop from such files, you need of course an a real OS for that.....

Ctrl-S only lets you save as .mhtml, which doesn't allow dragging, or "html only", which doesn't save the actual links.