
separate webapps from normal browser windows?

Jim Witherspoon fa 12 anys updated by Viktor Kruglikov fa 7 anys 2

I often run create "application shortcuts" to run a webapp in its own window.   Webapps are not meant to be run as a tab along with other tabs in another window.  Maybe it would be a good idea to separate webapps from regular browser windows in the tabs outliner interface.  They could be shown at the top level of the outline, not as being "in a window".   Or they could all be put into a "virtual" window called "Webapps".  This would reduce clutter and confusion.

I think that this is an important feature.  Additionally, I've noticed that TO and applications tend to crash if moved around in TO.

I suggest that TO treat apps as follows:

Apps are a special form of window.

Apps have their own color (I'm thinking a red tone).

Apps can not directly contain child tabs.

If a user drops a tab on an app then TO spawns a new child window to contain it.

If an app opens a tab then TO spawns a new child window to contain it.

Otherwise, Apps can do whatever Windows can do.  You can name them, nest them with other objects, close them and open them, etc.  

Further, I think that TO should either not appear in TO, or should be treated as an application.

Yeah.  It's inconvenient for me that I can't have a global shortcut that would open TO tab.
If I could add TO to Launcher (Ubuntu) I would but a paid version.