
Closed tabs remain in Tabs Outliner

J C 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

This issue just cropped up within the last month.  When I close tabs in Chrome normally, the expected behavior with Tabs Outliner was that it would delete that tab.  Now when I close a tab, it's not deleted in Tabs Outliner.  I have a huge mess on my hands as a result.  See screenshots below for an example of this behavior.  The window had 3 tabs, then 2 of those tabs were closed, yet they remain in Tabs Outliner.  This was not an issue before.

Image 58

Image 59

Same. Renders extension unuseable.

Clicking 'green X' in Tabs Outliner window does the same. 'Tab-rows' remain in weird state. Clicking or closing it afterwards does nothing. Only manual 'trash' closes it. Closed windows become gray instead of being closed, with all their tabs still blue in them.

First observed after updating to 59. I use #enable-fast-unload if it could matter... (other extensions react to closing tabs fine, though)

OS: Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux 4.4.0-83-generic

Chrome: 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Tabs Outliner: 1.4.130


Well, don't use fast unload. :)


Had the same problem, and also found other problems it caused:

  • that it messed up the order of my tabs,
  • duplicated a pinned OneTab tab (yes, I use both)
  • created multiple entries in the tree for the tabs outliner window, which couldn't be removed until chrome was re-started

Disabling #enable-fast-unload seems to fix it.

Ok, it probably tries to do something not allowed in the background context.

Is there a way to close the issue? - It's not a bug, it's just a 'would be nice to have' if it is technically possible, but it is an 'experiment' so I guess nobody's gonna waste time with it...

btw. I edited the original comment later, adding #enable-fast-unload - it was just something I thought about, but didn't expect to be the cause at all. So, now at least anyone with the same issue knows they cannot use both at the same time.


yup, it's the chrome flag

disable chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload if it's enabled


Can confirm it's the chrome://flags/#enable-fast-unload flag.  Disabled it and the issue went away.