For programmers: A new challenger has appeared...with open source! (Tree Style Tab For Chrome)

Steven Choi 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 4 jaar geleden 1

Well, it's finally happened.

I just stumbled across this on the Chrome subreddit:


Doesn't look like he knew about Tabs Outliner, but you can't deny the comparison. Someone convinced him almost immediately to open source it.

GitHub: https://github.com/Suibs/Tree-Style-Tab-For-Chrome

Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tree-style-tab-for-chrome/hbledhepdppepjnbnohiepcpcnphimdj

Granted, he's not syncing backups to Google Drive, but it's only a matter of time.......

.......The suspense is terrible.........I hope it will last........