Fuck, what is up with this shitty forum anyway
I had actually have to use the IE!!! on a forum for an chrome extention, because it won't let me log in in anyway or change password or so ON CHROME, just because its all FUCKED UP javascript.
Since i lost the edited text anyway (was stored in the clipboard, and I had to use that to copy paste the password token link to the fucked IE) go and read it in the chrome store build in one. This is the 1st and last time I ever used this forum... and your extension just went down another star, which leaves one.
Customer support service by UserEcho
As this is first 1 star review (on 7000 active users) so I think it worth to mentioned full name of the reviewer and review itself there.
So, 1 star review from Chrome Web Store of the same author:
Heiko Misselwitz 8 hours ago
Well it is still not an session-management, and I doubt it will work well after crashes, too.
The reason? Its because of the tab history. Sometimes you want preserve the tab-history, go back and forth. And still this is not possible.
Well its a little better than other ones, but no full fledged session-management.
edit: it even not stores window position and sizes. (importent if you work with different window sets) And its most likely to unintentional delete (closed) tabs without of any chance to restore them.
And the crash restore, unlike the build in one, doesen't use any data from the cache.
It has potential, but still another useless session management alike sort of thing.
And the TabsOutliner tab/window scrolls to much without any reason.
(could fit all into the window, but it scrolls so that only one will be displayed)
Bu the way.
- TO is now store window position and sizes (yet this must be enabled in options), as own as for saved windows.
- TO is always utilize the Chrome cache on restore
- It is possible to disable all auto-scrolling (also in options)
- And to restore the history of Back button - it is just impossible in Chrome now, there is why no any extension for Chrome do it. But who need this, if i want preserve my track i always just leave it in the tree - by opening the new tab as child of the current one (midleclick) and not deleting the parent.
7000 more users and one more 1 star rate. Very similar in the own deepness by the way. But i think it just not worth to republish there all the 1 star rates reviews to not provoke even more : )) So this privilege will always belong only for my first official hater : )) which is by the way update own rate to 2 stars, after several months of use : ))
I think it is cool to understand what type of people set 1 star rates. Really nice example.
what a tool 8-)
Seems like Heiko guy is more unhappy with his life than me. This is critical.
Word of advice for him: "Die!" ;]
Most funny thing is that he was update recently, after latest update, own rate from 1 star to 2 stars : ))) Encouraging : )). Hi says "step by step it gets better" : )) Yeah not as fast as even I want of course. But I plan some big updates in upcoming months.