
Slightly adapted logic tab-close to really protect "saved links" against loss

Dusan Nemecek fa 10 anys 0
if authorised by the Chrome could not be useful to extend logic of closing tabs as follows?

1st close
By "GREEN CROSS" (according to TO Standards) - will create a "saved link".
By "RED CROSS" (acc. to Windows Standards) - remove tab.

(again open the "saved link" from TO)

2nd close
Under condition "URL was not changed".
By "GREEN CROSS"- the same.
By "RED CROSS" - the same like "GREEN CROSS" - ie. protected "saved link" in the tree.
With changed URL red cross removes tab.

With common using of an "Ctrl-click" to open links to a new tabs it could be enough without # workaround or "Shif-dblclick", which creates new nests of links in mostly far position of a tree..

This logic could provide protection against own bad habits using of Windows standards especially of the "red crosses" and also against other members who are too fare away honor some big black column with green crosses becouse their only peak of knowledge is mousing over red crosses.. 

This could be probably similar by function but hope with lower Devs consuming then topic "Allow TO user to "lock" selected URLs".