On restore of a window, do not re-open previously closed tabs
Allow reopening the window in a state as it was save-closed. Preserving the saved state of the already saved tabs on a moment of window save-close.

Take note that you can restore individual tabs in saved window without restoring everything.
This feature you ask feels wrong for me.

in theory there no needs to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit, but you proposal goes against this idea and it will be not implemented.

Here is a use case that's consistent with your suggested workflow: I have _exactly_ the 30 tabs loaded that you want (and, say, 70 others that are saved/closed), but I need to restart your browser or computer to install an update. This saves me from 60 clicks to reopen each of those tabs. More importantly, perhaps, it provides the psychological reassurance that I can close my browser at no cost, which I do benefit from if I'm doing something else RAM-intensive. This may be more of a problem on Macs; the OS tends to use extra RAM to perform background maintenance tasks, so even if _I'm_ only using 6GB, 7.95GB is tied up, which means the OS will have to write to disk when I launch a new memory-intensive application.

This also seriously conflicts with some other use cases. For which the restore all semantic is needed. So, my regret, but seems you will remain a faithful Firefox user ; )

Ehm. Different people may use your plugin in different ways. I am such a user... Think about this fact: if I have a very long list of "old stuff" tabs (that makes me think about your 'cleanup video') - how does this then correspond with the "organize and cleanup" functionality (lines, notes, tree view) functionality in your plugin? The feature suggested actually helps a lot with this "organize and cleanup" functionality as it will allow a person to keep one list, one overview, even one window. See also my comment in https://chrome.google.com/webstore/support/eggkanocgddhmamlbiijnphhppkpkmkl?hl=en-US&gl=AU#feature

So i try to speak to you honestly, instead what i am accomplish is this:
> I'll upgrade my rating to 5 stars (from 4) if this is implemented ;)
So you use this stuff, completely ignore really small request to help - only a fee mouse click actually was asked, not a donation, not anything, only few mouse clicks. instead what you really do is a decrease the average rate And all this is to come here and trying to squeeze something from the author.
Thank you, I think this will teach me something....

No, I rated it honestly as I saw it. 4 Stars is what it deserved in my honest opinion at the moment. I would also ask you to remove the word before "few mouse clicks" - let's keep the net a nice place :)

What make internet and world around us a worse place is not some worlds. But people like you. Well this case is not terminal one actually, this is at least 4 stars. (But the reality is that you actually decrease the average, and this is forever, and as so actually this things will not be found for around one hundred people, also, never). But you not the first who come with such a genius strategy here (and in my email). Go look at some 1 star reviews. They all have something in common actually. Not the reviews, but definitely the people behind them.

"the genius strategy" - you seem to assume and imply I set a 4 star rating just to get the feature. How about seeing the good in people? Also, the rating is not forever. I can simply delete it and change it. So if I think it deserves 5 stars, I can give it 5 stars. Did you note I added the "I can change it to 5 stars if it has this feature" *after* I posted the rating and the suggested feature? - and not the other way around - at least that should suggest that there was no such mal-intent as you seem to accuse me of. Also, did you read my "Setting 1 star to get something is something that others may do, but I think it is immoral." comment above?

You can go and look for early reviews, read them, and you will see how many people return and raise the rate after i implemented what they ask, really big features (like Tree Style Tabs), or some small (like one click navigation, mentioned bug-fixes, possibility to rename titles for windows, many other things)
To save you time - nobody at all.
So you are really special - yet I am already understanded this...

I will explain you and everyone else who maybe will read this (yet this is unlikely, there is only we two), how this reviews (and donations) is really work.
Well, first of all I don't know, I am not sure they work at all, yet one stars seems really affect traffic, so maybe the do, but this is no important at all! As this extension is cost nothing! I have NOTHING from this. Other authors have nothing for such things also. There no ANY donations actually or something like this (well, 3 so far, if honestly, but this even not cover a half day of work)
What this reviews is really hugely affect is a motivation and a mood of the author, and his desire to do anything father (must say after some really low reviews, from some idiots, which really kill the average, which was in Chrome Store Top, i am slightly cured from this actually, and this really uncomplicated my life, no more rush to release new features, no more long discussions.... but is this for a benefit of the world - not so sure.

Reading the above, I understand a bit better how you feel... I hope though that you understand that not everyone posts dishonest reviews just to get something. Maybe you could just ignore the bad reviews and only focus on the good? It took me a while in life to realize that I want to be a Kingdom builder, not a critic.

Well, a 4 star from a QA engineer, in a current stage of this stuff, is really a BIG! acknowledgment : )))
So maybe i must apologize for some ruddiness ; )

Speaking of that i hope you will leave at least 4 stars after some reall use : )))))

But that simple an a professionalism deformation ; )
As if this is not worth 5 stars i really not know what else worth it in Chrome Web Store in extensions category
: ))))

Just remove the 4th word after "OH," in your main/top reply above from this page and I'll be happy ;) I just think we should avoid using such words on the net. It just teaches others the wrong thing.

Maybe also worth to remove some drama i splashed over there because of some really severe procrastination and chatty mood today : ))
But must say that actually this talk was really useful for me. So thank you for talk ; )

Such things really make real world worse.
From one point this only some virtual stars.
But must say that after several low star reviews, with really stupid requests (which is simple impossible to implement) or simple because the reviewer have bad mood, I start speak with other users very differently... the good thing - this save me a lot of time.
And now i think i will do some more conclusions from this our conversation. If after really normal talk with arguments and real desire to help, this somebody decide to go and play with stars then definitely it not worth it.

#1: "From one point this only some virtual stars." - It is not; if done properly (and I can agree that not everyone does this properly, but some people may!) - this is a real review of what a person thinks of a feature. Otherwise, the very thing you seem to not like (people giving low reviews for a not-correct reason) is what you actually suggest doing yourself in another way (giving high reviews for a not-correct reason)?
#2: I gave the review and posted that particular note you are referring to *before* you replied to my feature suggestion in this thread. I pointed you to it after we starting discussing, simply as a help! You seem to keep suggesting that I am playing with stars to get something.

I wish you in your life a bunch of "honest" reviews. ; )
Well, hmm, seems you have a lot of time so maybe at least i will utilize you with you honesty for something useful:
Can you please say me what variant of this description looks more grammarly:
Next Generation Session/Windows/Tabs Manager and Too_Many_Open_Tabs Solution That Really Works.
A Next Generation Session/Windows/Tabs Manager and The Too_Many_Open_Tabs Solution Which Really Works.
The Next Generation Session/Windows/Tabs Manager and The Too_Many_Open_Tabs Solution Which Really Works.
Or maybe suggest you own version if this all completely ungrammarly?

Thank you for allowing me to help with something.
The Next Generation Session/Window/Tab & "Too Many Open Tabs" Manager Solution Which Really Works.

Thanks! : )
Yet I want "manager" in one side and "solution" after the Too Many Open Tabs.
So this is the most correct variant in this case as i understand:
The Next Generation Session/Window/Tab Manager and "Too Many Open Tabs" Solution Which Really Works.
i mean articles usage and "Which" - "That" before "Really Works".
By the way i will think some more about you case, but for example I really often first open several tabs in saved window. then after some time i save this whole window, only to be able restore ALL tabs immediately after that. I use this use case really often...
PS By the way One more nitpick that often people who come from Firefox mentioned is that TO is not save tab history. Want to note you about this, often people find this and then go and blame in reviews ; ). Even by 1 stars. This is simple impossible to implement in Chrome meantime.

The Next Generation Session/Window/Tab Manager & 'Too Many Open Tabs' Solution Which Really Works!
Is the best so far. However, "Session" is not really fully valid for the moment I think. It's somewhat true, but if my suggestion were added (restore window to same window in tree hive + restore open/closed tabs "as was"), it would be fully be a great session manager.

Well : )))
It is depend to what it is compare for : )
The best Chrome session manager, and the only extension i use before i write my TO was Session Buddy.
It is 3 years already promise possibility to rearrange tabs in saved sessions.... well, and now i know why... despite having 130 000 users and constantly asking in the UI, they have 250$ donations in a year (as they recently wrote in own Support group).
As for restoring window correctly after Chrome restore, if you mean this (cooperabelity with Chrome restore) this of course must be done.

Some former Firefox user yet still not allow me to use word Session at all, because it is not restore history and window scroll positions, and form data (this was actually possible to do by other extensions - like Lazarus for example) and who know what else more... and there some who write that this even not need at all and complete waste in compare to luxury Firefox addons, which i am of course not seen, but must, and all of them so much better, an so on (must say i use them all)....
what they actually do in Chrome Web Store if Firefox so much better I don't know : ))
And this is even not a trolls, they really think so, and speak with me in email, every week have discussion like this... start to think remove this world at all, but it is really stupid, as this is really manager for browsing session, It is actually convert it in some sort of browsing workbook (of course not in one big persistent window scenario.... so YMMV)

Session buddy: yes, found it, and installed it also. Handy as a sort of backup if you have many session saved.
Session restore (cooperabelity with Chrome restore): yes, that would be great

By the way, i re read you request. I still continue think it is not needed. But i want mention that the problem you have is really a result of very special usage of browser. And not very effective one. Because you use only one window. I am perfectly understand why! As there was real problem in the past for tab addicts to use many windows because of very bad observability of them.
But with my extension there is an end of this - you can now freely organize you tabs by windows and clearly see them all as you do this in one window (make sure you enable TreeStyleTab feature by the way) and i am sure this will solve you case much better than what you actually propose as a solution. Yes, some changes in behavior, not the immediately acquired, but for better!
My hope you will raise your rate by the way. Users with so special demands (hundreds of open tabs) is really rare (i am also have many hundreds open all of the time) and it is really worth to support anything is aimed for us. There was for years was nothing anything like this for Chrome. And now my target users (your are not first one with > 400 tabs yet not 5 stars!!!!) niggles to nitpicks (simple because they a nerds and they are always can find something not ideal, i know by myself ; ) and the users who have 5-10 tabs max was sing praises in chorus! Pitifully actually. And raise some thinking about the future route of the project - nobody want to deal with always dissatisfied nerds, even nerds itself ; )

Maybe i will repeat what you already know, but, anyway. Note the Group and Window nodes in main toolbar, Group is actually a saved window, yet it will become a normal window if you will drag some open tabs to it or restore some of them inside it.
The main difference from Note node (as it is also can contain tabs) is that tabs inside note is actually owned by window below the note node in hierarchy, and so it will be restored/saved if this window will be saved/restored. But if they will be in Group they will not - only Group node will control them.
So you still can start all you browsing activity in one window (as i think it will be impossible to relearn such habits) but you can drag there Group nodes (or new Window nodes, but Groups is more handy, as windows will be opened with dummy empty tab), to this you mother window, and reorganize you tabs there by dragging them (using Tabs Outliner) to this Groups inside the mother window, and then hibernate/restore in sets.

Ok, what I am trying now is the following: pick a closed tab in the outliner, drag it to the tab bar (in the same window), and release the left mouse button. The tab does not load but instead a blank tab loads. Can this be fixed?

But note that even after fix this will open simple new tab with content of a link from TO. As there really no way to integrate Chrome tab strip with TO as this was possible in firefox. And this was main reason why is there no such solutions for such a long time.
So if you actualy whant to move the saved tab and reopen it in new place better to do this solely in TO

Or if you simple whant to open saved tab without restoring it simple do this by Shift/Cntrl click or copy in new place by Alt Drag

Yay! CTRL+click opens nicely in the current window, even if the node is stored under another window's hive.... 5 star review coming up!

Done. Interestingly, I could not see my 4 star rating anymore. In any case, it's 5 now.

By the way, that is was really interesting to learn about one huge window scenario.... start think to try this myself... maybe this was be a great help for me in the past when i only dreaming about something like TO (there was times i have ~1000 tabs in Firefox for weeks, simple because it was impossible to observe what i had opened in all this hundreds of windows, by the way i switch from Firefox because it was unable anymore to open so much and work really badly with big number of tabs - Chrome eats memory like crazy, but memory really not an issue for me, it is cheap, yet Chrome every new tab open as fast as first, even if there is 500 already - not a case for Firefox with even 200 tabs)

I still prefer one window. One window is much less cluttered and easier to manage than multiple. With the workaround that I described (based on the window/tree info you provided + using Google chrome session restore), I can have the best of both worlds: a nice way to structure and format tabs, with a clean low-number-of-tabs browser. If I look at the "cleanup" video you made, I can see how this works cleaner/better. In any case, the future as I proposed it (the knowledge of status of closed/open tabs across sessions) + the "re-associate the restored window with the previously hierarchy - so that the restored window would not show as "window 400" but as the one which was there before) would still be a cool things to have, though at least the first feature (closed/open tabs) is much less necessary than before the workaround we found. I feel that especially the second feature would seriously reduce the clutter in the tabs outliner view as restored windows would not add another node hive to the tabs outliner view.

> + using Google chrome session restore
unfortunately, this will not work for you.
Chrome session restore is not session restore at all but a reopen of last know links in new windows same as some robouser will do this by hand.
The only possibility to restore you TO structure intact is to use TO to save before exit (you can save all by one click) and to restore from TO.
In some time i will done something about this, to work better with Chrome built in restore, but really it is not so useful as TO... so the better is simple not use it at all and never restore by it anything. You must be always be able to restore from TO.

Actually, I already use it (Google Chrome Session Restore), and it works great. So, I have one window and in the tabs outliner I have (on top) a saved (not-open) window which has all my "closed tabs" under it, nicely in a hierarchy. I can now CTRL-click on any link in it, and it opens that link within my main (and single) window. Then, if I close that main window, and re-open it, the full session (including the TO in the first tab [pinned]). The only annoying thing (mentioned above) is that the (open tabs only) tabs are listed under a new "window <nr>" instead of under the window they came from. I was wondering if you could make it so that tabs are restored in the tree under the window they were when chrome is closed.

Why you pin the TO as tab? As for me it much more useful to have it at side as separate window... Ctrl-clicks still will open new tabs in you main window this way...
Not sure i am understand the annoying thing clearly... will re read this tomorrow (now go to sleep), maybe worth start a new thread by the way, but i think you talk about the fact that current Chrome Restore is not synchronized with TO and instead create new window node for restored windows. This is known problem and in a first priority to fix. Yet i cannot promise any time frames, but this annoy me also, it is for sure....

Only now re read and try to understand this you post...
Well, I personally not use organizing feature to form some big organizational structure - it is unpractical and unmanageable as for me, but interesting is that some users really do this, and seems you try to do the same.
But the problem with this is that there no some sort of usual tabs... Actually every day is something new and it is too much burden to trying organize all of this in some grand plan.
I use all this notes and separators only in some tactical use cases, not to form the structure and then trying to find a place for everything by putting the tabs and the windows inside it. But as local notes and organizational elements for SOME windows - as short (in notes) or longer (in google docs) comment for concrete tabs, to group and triage by separators some tabs only in some windows. Only when needed.
This way session always grows down, and start to form a diary or some sort of commented workbook, not a some organized encyclopedia with a place for everything.
And the main reason for notes and separators is to allow easy close for the tabs - because most of the time it is open because the information, often in form only of several words, is inside the tab, notes allow to extract it, put it there near the tab quickly, without thinking long where is the place in grand plan. And close the tab or a whole window....
Tags is planed for some sort of "grand plan" meta structure. But i am really think this will be rarely used in everyday general browsing - too much burden, too big stream of new tabs to be able organize all of this (yet tags have some very cool special concrete use cases, so i really whant them)

Also take note that you can put Groups and Windows inside other windows (as sub-nodes). The tabs which will be inside Group will not be restored during parent Window restoration. So you can simple put tabs you did not whant to restore inside Group or own Window inside the original window. Or differently - put only the tabs you want to restore inside the Group in original window and restore only this group, not a whole window.

Hmm, interesting. I tested this. It works nicer then before, and it partly meets what I was trying to do if I use your plugin together with the built-in session restore. However, even if I make a sub-group or sub-window to the main window, if I close and re-open chrome, it moves all the open tabs into a newly numbered window ('Window 430') for instance instead of leaving them where they were previously in the tree structure - can this be avoided?

Oh, this is complex case. Currently this is not work in Chrome this way. The best way is not to use Chrome ability to restore tabs after exit-restart. but restore everything you want to reopen from TO. And also shutdown Chrome from TO by Close-Save All Windows button.
Personally i close Chrome very rarely, maybe once in a months and only because they crash.... So this not affect me for example. But this is something i plan to fix somehow in a first priority. The problem is the Chrome is actually not allow for extension to know which windows is new and which one is restored. So .... need guess and such guesses often lead to bad results... Well everything i can advise is to close Chrome by TO and restore from TO, this the only reliable way.

in theory there no needs to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...

Great that you are implementing it! Could I ask you remove the 4th word after oh in your update above? Thanks, let's to keep it nice for everyone :)

> I'll upgrade my rating to 5 stars (from 4) if this is implemented ;)
People like you make support so much a nice work. That's was so much pleasure to meet you there. Go maybe set even 1 star rate. This will make me feel even better and motivate to work even faster to release this so genius feature you propose.

Setting 1 star to get something is something that others may do, but I think it is immoral. Try and see the good side of people?

Really does not see how this is different from you case.
There was possibility to help the project, by setting 5 stars (everything else is decrease the average).
Yet you decide to use you stars with some other goal and desire in mind. Now you try self-delusion self that this is somehow "honest" rate for a "current state of this plugin". This reviews is not about honest rate of current state, it is about support and help, or about preventing other people to stay in some crap. And the line between there cases is crossed by the current average.

in theory there no needs to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
PS People like you make support so much a nice work. That's was so much pleasure to meet you there. Go maybe set even 1 star rate. This will make me feel even better and motivate to work even faster to release this so genius feature you propose.

Can the update above be re-written please? For people (consider also minors) reading this thread, it surely is not showing them right language.

You're welcome :)
I really hope you continue developing the plugin. I think you're on a great path. Just ignore the 1-star posters and keep going strong! (It's lonely at the top... ;)
And, thank you for doing it for free!
Just sent you a small donation :)

in theory there no needs to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gathere some votes of othere users.

in theory there no needs to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.

Шn theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open 1000 new tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but... worth to think about this some more i think.

Шn theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open 1000 new tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.

Шn theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds new tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.

Шn theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.

In theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.

In theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.
I decide to do this, seems it is really needed. And more, remembering the state of tab nodes (open/closed on their window shutdown) was needed for interoperability with Chrome restore feature. So i understand that I need this anyway.
This will be done as Alt-DblClick. With a possibility to make this default behavior (and current one as ALTernative) in options

In theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.
I decide to do this, seems it is really needed. And more, remembering the state of tab nodes (open/closed on their window shutdown) was needed for interoperability with Chrome restore feature. So i understand that I need this anyway.
This will be done as Alt-DblClick. With a possibility to make this as default behavior (and current one as ALTernative) in options

Great you're going to do this!
"With a possibility to make this as default behavior ... in options": excellent
"but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months" - exactly - "many 'todo' tabs"

I think I found you donation : )
thanks once again.
Thinking about to done this feature quickly and dirty just for you....
How about separate private install ?
Is it ok for you (yet you will lost ability to upgrade)?
Or you will wait a litle more for it?

Really devoted now completely to next major release which introduce cloud storage and many big features. And this small feature also of course.
Have no time to thoroughly retest everything to upgrade current branch confidently for everyone.
Yet i cannot promise anything specific of when this next major release will be released.

So if you want i can done this only for you in separate private install.

And please, if you donate because I was saying that i will implement this - please, wright me right away from the email you make a donation. I will refund (please do this right now, or at list in a closest week, till I not spent this money).
Start to think about this case and seems it is introduce so many dependencies and weird scenarios that I am not very sure now it will be implemented actually.

Will actually implement this..., but first there is real urgency to finally ship new storage engine. Have 30000 saved nodes and current one start to really slow down the application and user interface on periodic saves for such a big tree. I think this affect many users.
Also new engine will enable the road to cloud storage and undo redo and one more very interesting and worthwhile feature which will open a full new dimension actually for this project. So If you can wait a little (a month) i will be very grateful. I will do this despite you donation so if you decide to get refund - no problem. Simple send a email - i will refund. But meantime the priority is in the other places.
You are free to remind me about this my promise in a month : )

I hope i will include it in one of the releases before new Year. This is not a primitive feature actually because it is change stored data format. And such things require very thorough testing to not brake the existing data for 10000 users i have now.

Also it is actually introduce a new type of node. A saved tab which was saved at a time of window close... yet I plan to do this anyway but there is some other plans also, and not only in this project but in my life in general.

Will actually implement this..., but first there is real urgency to finally ship new storage engine. Have 30000 saved nodes and current one start to really slow down the application and user interface on periodic saves for such a big tree. I think this affect many users.
Also new engine will enable the road to cloud storage and undo redo and one more very interesting and worthwhile feature which will open a full new dimension actually for this project.
That rewrite also must finally fix the annoying crashed windows on restart and make Chrome restore feature to work smoothly with Tabs Outliner tree, by correctly merging saved in last session on exit windows with the windows reopened after restart.
So If you can wait a little (a month) i will be very grateful. I will do this despite you donation so if you decide to get refund - no problem. Simple send a email - i will refund. But meantime the priority is in the other places.
You are free to remind me about this my promise in a month : )
PS By the way, i am really interesting in how it is going for you and you one big window scenario is there some other annoying things and so on. But this thread is really worth to delete - it is too big and unreadable now - maybe start some other thread (if this is something which can attain some votes of other users) or simple write me directly on email.

In theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.
Seems it is really needed. And more, remembering the state of tab nodes (open/closed on their window shutdown) was needed for interoperability with Chrome restore feature. So very probably i need such functionality anyway.
Maybe a good idea is to done this as Alt-DblClick.

In theory there no need to restore everything if you not plan to read the tabs content immediately So my advise - try to restore only the tabs you plan to view immediately.
Of course i understand that it is easy to say then form such a habit...
This proposed feature conflict with some other cases. So unlikely it will be implemented. But i will think about this. Especially if it will gather some votes of other users.
After some thinking and reading i start to understand that maybe this case will represent some category of users who use TO in somewhat special way, not as tab addicts who open hundreds NEW tabs every day (as i am), but somebody who have own set of older tabs for many months and really like to restore it every day as as it was day before.
Well.. not sure why need to restore it every day now, this was needed before, as the only other option was to bury all the tabs in some sort of hidden list of some session manager, but in TO even saved tabs is present in current context, but... worth to think about this some more i think.
Seems it is really needed. And more, remembering the state of tab nodes (open/closed on their window shutdown) was needed for interoperability with Chrome restore feature. So very probably i need such functionality anyway.
Maybe a good idea is to done this as Alt-DblClick.

Hello! The donation is fully yours, off course I will happily wait a month, knowing it's coming. The only other thing I find annoying with my one-big-window scenario (which works great thanks to your plugin) is that the tabicon dissappears on too many tabs. I assume that's not really fixable.
Also, one small suggestion while you're implementing this is to have the close/terminate etc. buttons next to the URL/name instead of all the way on the right outlined. Remember that I keep the tabsoutliner in a tab, so it's kind of hard that they are all the way on the right. Another option (which keeps the right alignment) and sounds even better is to make the width configurable (i.e. just framing everything into a horizontal resizable box inside the tabs outliner view - this way the user can set the width as they want, without loosing the common right alginment)

I'm excited for some of the changes listed here. :) Although I group tabs by topic/purpose/etc. I often have a window with a few open nodes and at least as many saved/closed nodes. Being able to restore just the tabs I had open without needing to rearrange or regroup them would be quite helpful! Better integration with (correct merging) of restored windows after Chrome crash would be useful as well. My computer crashed last night, and when I opened Chrome, it auto-restored my crashed session (which it has never done before...still trying to figure out why it did that), so I had the duplicated windows headache too.
I was only keeping 80-120 tabs open, but my computer doesn't have enough memory, and this extension fits how I was already browsing the web perfectly! I was grouping tabs into windows to stay focused on the task at hand and be able to find what I needed, but this has simplified and shortened the whole process hugely. I accidentally found it, but installed it and started using it immediately. 5-star rating has already been submitted on the Chrome Web Store. :)
Since I don't have quite as many tabs open, and I already kept them sorted by window, I really do use this for total organization, including keeping track of sites I consistently visit a few times a week or month. Before installing TO, that meant I just left all those tabs open all the time...now, I just keep them where I can find them easily when I need them, and they are out of my way without becoming inaccessible. That's why most of my windows and groups are a mix of open and closed nodes/tabs.
Looking forward to the next release. Keep up the great work, and thank you so much for this extension!
P.S. This thread, while a little out of order and confusing, definitely had some great points and addressed some of my questions when I ran into issues trying to restore my Chrome session.

Cool to know that at list 2 users will find this feature useful. As i am already implement it (because i promise, yet i am regret about this my promise every single second i waste on it : )))), yet it is not released meantime to public. Release will be ready in a day or 2.

Starting from v0.4.40 is now possible to reopen only the tabs which was open at a time of last window save-close. By Alt-dblclick (or Alt-click if one click option is selected) on saved window title.
This work only with newly saved windows. Not with already saved.
The option to make this as default behavior was not added to not pollute the options.
This feature is unofficial. And even will not be mentioned in documentation.
It is also might broke some day. As it will not be retested upon releases. So if you found it is not work anymore please report me.

For what it is worth, I agree this conversation has some very useful tips and discussion.

This thread is pretty old, but it's exactly the problem I'm having using the latest version on a Mac. I've tried Alt/Option-DblClick and Command-DblClick on a saved window title and neither restores just the previously opened tabs. I've only begun using TO a couple months ago (and a full-paying customer) so all my saved windows are "new".
I used to use Chrome's restore previous session option so I can shut down Chrome willy nilly and restore it where I left off. I expect the same from TO, of course with the additional capability to manage archived/closed tabs.
Whether the user should adhere to the principle of "if you're not going to read it NOW don't open it now" is really subjective. What should be easily accomplished is being able to restore to the exact previous state.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Starting from v0.4.40 is now possible to reopen only the tabs which was open at a time of last window save-close. By Alt-dblclick (or Alt-click if one click option is selected) on saved window title.
This work only with newly saved windows. Not with already saved.
The option to make this as default behavior was not added to not pollute the options.
This feature is unofficial. And even will not be mentioned in documentation.
It is also might broke some day. As it will not be retested upon releases. So if you found it is not work anymore please report me.