Your comments

Reading the above, I understand a bit better how you feel... I hope though that you understand that not everyone posts dishonest reviews just to get something. Maybe you could just ignore the bad reviews and only focus on the good? It took me a while in life to realize that I want to be a Kingdom builder, not a critic.

Thank you for allowing me to help with something.

The Next Generation Session/Window/Tab & "Too Many Open Tabs" Manager Solution Which Really Works.

#1: "From one point this only some virtual stars." - It is not; if done properly (and I can agree that not everyone does this properly, but some people may!) - this is a real review of what a person thinks of a feature. Otherwise, the very thing you seem to not like (people giving low reviews for a not-correct reason) is what you actually suggest doing yourself in another way (giving high reviews for a not-correct reason)?

#2: I gave the review and posted that particular note you are referring to *before* you replied to my feature suggestion in this thread. I pointed you to it after we starting discussing, simply as a help! You seem to keep suggesting that I am playing with stars to get something.

"the genius strategy" - you seem to assume and imply I set a 4 star rating just to get the feature. How about seeing the good in people? Also, the rating is not forever. I can simply delete it and change it. So if I think it deserves 5 stars, I can give it 5 stars. Did you note I added the "I can change it to 5 stars if it has this feature" *after* I posted the rating and the suggested feature? - and not the other way around - at least that should suggest that there was no such mal-intent as you seem to accuse me of. Also, did you read my "Setting 1 star to get something is something that others may do, but I think it is immoral." comment above?

Setting 1 star to get something is something that others may do, but I think it is immoral. Try and see the good side of people?

No, I rated it honestly as I saw it. 4 Stars is what it deserved in my honest opinion at the moment. I would also ask you to remove the word before "few mouse clicks" - let's keep the net a nice place :)

Great that you are implementing it! Could I ask you remove the 4th word after oh in your update above? Thanks, let's to keep it nice for everyone :)

Hmm, interesting. I tested this. It works nicer then before, and it partly meets what I was trying to do if I use your plugin together with the built-in session restore. However, even if I make a sub-group or sub-window to the main window, if I close and re-open chrome, it moves all the open tabs into a newly numbered window ('Window 430') for instance instead of leaving them where they were previously in the tree structure - can this be avoided?

Ehm. Different people may use your plugin in different ways. I am such a user...  Think about this fact: if I have a very long list of "old stuff" tabs (that makes me think about your 'cleanup video') - how does this then correspond with the "organize and cleanup" functionality (lines, notes, tree view) functionality in your plugin? The feature suggested actually helps a lot with this "organize and cleanup" functionality as it will allow a person to keep one list, one overview, even one window. See also my comment in