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Absolutely - a couple of lines of Python to find all tabs matching a certain title pattern, then trash them all, would be great.

To create a shortcut to open Tab Outliner, follow the steps in my prior comment.

To jump to Tab Outliner, I was able to do this:

1. Open the Chrome Extensions page ( go to chrome://extensions/ or right click Tab Outliner button and pick manage extensions)

2. Scroll to the bottom, and click on 'Keyboard Shortcuts'.

3. Select the features you want, and set the shortcuts you like. (I used Alt-. to open Tab Outliner, and Alt-, to close and save the current tab)

4. Click OK to save the setting.

I found the keyboard shortcut window was limited and awkward to use. It doesn't always show that it has taken the key - you may have to OK and go back in to see that it did. Individual keys don't seem to be available - as they are in e.g. the Shortcuts extension, but that can't launch Tab Outliner. I would have liked '\' for opening Tab Outliner, but I can live with Alt-.

This is on Tab Outliner 1.4.130, and Chrome 49.0.2623.108