Upper edge motion
thank you very much! This tool is an awesome lifesaver, once figured out how to use it properly. I had exactly the mess that you mentioned, and used Tab Cloud for a while, but the list got too long and couldn't be organized as I wanted to. The ability at OT to group and note is outstanding.
It would give me great pleasure to get your new release with support for multiple computers, as I use about 5-10 devices all the time one after another. Also a multichoice option (by ticks or flags or keyboard) would be great - and the solution of an additional save&close button beside the OT icon (or a similar solution) would help a lot, not only for beginners. As far as I understood, these things are in progress...
I have a little suggestion, too - that I couldn't find already mentioned: Edge motion for the upper edge (top of the OT window) while using drag&drop!
I mean, if I drag something and reach the lower edge before dropping it, the screen scrolls slowly in order to continue the navigation to my target, where I want to drop it. But for the upper edge this doesn't work for me (status scrolled down already of course), but would be usefull as well.
A really excellent job so far. Voted 5 of course and already told about within my circle of family, friends and colleagues, + a donation soon ...
Customer support service by UserEcho
Above I meant the mess with tabs prior to TabsOutliner (TO), not with how to use it - to prevent misssunderstandings, the documentation is very good. Further there is a misspelling, I meant TO not OT, sorry.
The problem with auto-scroll in up direction is unfortunately a Chrome problem, and even more, it is the regression, it was work in previous version. Please star this issue to bring some attention to it:
as it is seems that the Chrome team does not think it is very important to fix this issue.
I did, they answered with some links, have a look!
Cool! Thanks! At least they notice it's again.