
Request: Option to remove ALL crashed sessions (windows and tabs) in one click

jedd rashbrooke il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Dillon Cower il y a 3 mois 28

I'm using Tabs Outliner on both Chrome and Chromium on my KDE Debian GNU/Linux platform - and while it's really helping to quell my rampant tab addiction, I still have a few dozen windows with multiple tabs, during most sessions.

The problem is that both Chrome and Chromium appear to crash on shutdown more often than not - this may well be a KDE problem, perhaps just not giving enough time for the apps to sanely quit  - but I can't say for sure.  On startup all my Chrom* windows & tabs are restored automatically (no 'the app crashed on the last run - do you want to restore tabs?' option is given).

In either case, it's quite a pain to go back through the history of crashed sessions and collapse & delete them individually.



This is known problem and of course it is annoy me also. But the fix is not easy one, and currently the cloud backup is more important issue and needed more, so this will be in idle state for some time.

The only advise i can give you is that - simple don't use chrome restore. On Chrome restart open TO, ensure that all you windows is there and readily available to be restored if you want so, then say cancel to Chrome restore and restore everything from TO. This really works for me, but of course require some new habits and not so convenient, but this is also really reduce number of open windows. As most of the time after crash need restore max 2-3 tabs anyway, not all 300-400 that was open before the crash...

Yet of course this must be fixed and it will be fixed. As it is simple impossible to repeat this every day in emails : )) This is the problem the most new users report to me directly.


This is known problem and of course it is annoy me also. But the fix is not easy one, and currently the cloud backup is more important issue and needed more, so this will be in idle state for some time.

The only advise i can give you is that - simple don't use chrome restore. On Chrome restart open TO, ensure that all you windows is there and readily available to be restored if you want so, then say cancel to Chrome restore and restore everything from TO. This really works for me, but of course require some new habits and not so convenient, but this is also really reduce number of open windows. As most of the time after crash need restore max 2-3 tabs anyway, not all 300-400 that was open before the crash...

Yet of course this must be fixed and it will be fixed. As it is simple impossible to repeat this every day in emails : )) This is the problem the most new users report to me directly.


Aha, i reread you request and seems you want a way to automatically remove the crashed windows from last session, understand. I actually have plan to fix this in anothere way, so all new windows restored by Chrome restore feature will be reassociated with old ones from last session. But this you idea is also interesting as quick fix...


Maybe it is simple worth to put all restored windows in a group, then to delete all crashed from last session one will be required only collapse and delete this group...

I had not even realized that the “delete” button on a window or group behaved differently depending on whether the group was collapsed. Is there any documentation that mentions this? I must have missed it…

Ah, yes, my apologies, I should have been clearer.  I did search through the out-standing wishlist items, and indeed the 'match up existing windows with crashed windows - and if they exist, don't create a 'crashed' version' - that'll be great when it's done.   I do try to not duplicate existing bug/wishlist items.  ;)

As you say it's a bit more complex, though, and I guess part of it will be tracking subtle changes to what a collection of tabs (window) could be while still considering a window of tabs to be the *same* as another window of tabs.

But, yes, in the very short term, just the option to drop all the crashed windows (without having to collapse them in the outliner view) would be really fantastic - and I naively hope this would be relatively easy to implement, and sufficiently useful to others.  :)

When Chrome and Chromium restart I don't get the option to not re-open closed windows - as far as they are both concerned there was no crash at the last shutdown. Well, I say that.  I mean that during shutdown there's no warning of them crashing.  And at login again when my sessions are restarted there's no mention of a crash, no option to (not) re-open the previous tabs & windows - so it just goes ahead and re-opens them all.

Outliner identifies these windows as having been subject to a Chrome/Chromium crash however - so they *are* crashing, in some sense.

No, it is seems I not very carefully had read you request. This is also know and even more annoying problem (yet not for me : ) as i am never close the Chrome nor restart the PC - they always crash : )). 

This problem have different origin that the one with restoring after crash, but the same solution actually must be implemented to satisfy both of this cases (as the actually a Chrome restart with reopening last known set of tabs is using same Restore feature, which actually does not give possibility to distinguish between really new or restored windows for extensions).

Yet this one maybe I will fix sooner... at least i plan this to do in this year  : ) exist simple solution, yet without restoring exactly the hierarchy of reopened tabs (as it was in last session).

Well, whatever you can do would be hugely appreciated!  TabsOutliner is still a really useful tool for me, even with this situation.

I do like your idea of organising all crashed windows into a single hierarchy - that would make it much easier to just collapse and then delete that set.

Thanks again for writing this software, and for being so responsive to requests!


I echo this request.  "organising all crashed windows into a single hierarchy" so I can close all crashed windows at once would be great.  It seems you don't have a right-click menu on your items; is that right?  Would be nice to right-click a crashed window and have the option of reloading all tabs therein.  Or right-click a tab in that crashed window to reload it. 

Anyway I love this extension and tell everyone about it. 

Thank you!


Context menu with tons of features - planed.

But why you cannot reload all the tabs in the crashed window just by dbl-clicking on a window title?

> Or right-click a tab in that crashed window to reload it. 

And this i cannot understand at all.
Right click to reload the tab? Tabs are activated by dbl-click. If you need reload some already loaded tabs just save-close them (or their window) and then immedeately activate again.

I shouldn't have said right-click a tab and reload.  I realize now you can double-click to reload it.  But right-click a window to reload all tabs within that window might be helpful.  Not a big deal though.  I have felt overwhelmed by all the crashed windows and havent used this extension in a while so I'm going to start using it again and see how it goes.  I'm glad to see you are so responsive and still developing it. :-)

> right-click a window to reload all tabs within that window might be helpful.

But you can just dbl-click the window to reload its tabs? Or i just not understand something....
If window is already has some loaded tabs then first just press the green cross on window, and then reactivate it is again to restore all the tabs inside.


me too, I had several crashs and now a lot of duplicates, but worse, I can't delete them all, I'm not sure where and when I added something, bur for sure I did so...

Would be nice to have a tool that identifies doublets/dublicates and delete them all except one. 



My laptop fails to shutdown properly about 40% of the time, so I'm constantly annoyed by TO listing all the crashed tabs; I don't want that feature (and can't turn it off!!) Chrome effortlessly restores them already

Still have the same issue, is really bothering me, I always have a lot of crashed sessions.. Any news?


Wow! That's an old request... 5 years old! And it does not seem to have been resolved yet. I love the tool, but I would not pay for it for that reason. I know that paying for it would give a better chance of getting this issue fixed, but when I see such an issue still being open after so many years, it makes me loose confidence that the money will be spent efficiently.

Yep annoying it's still not available in the free version lol


Just bought the paid version. This is a major request for me. It seems when using the chrome "restore windows on exit" feature (not after improper shut down), the windows still get added as crashed sessions. Very annoying.


Is Tabs Outliner actually developed any more?

Well, I hope so :p I'd definitely use it more if it wasn't so tedious closing the crashed sessions! I've even had to script a repeat-clicker to click on all the delete icons for me as a workaround..

^ This is what I have to do every now and then :p The script is just this:

Sleep 1


To remove all crashed sessions, I first open the Developer Tools (F12, or CTRL-Shift-I on Windows, or Alt-Cmd-I on Mac) for the Tabs Outliner window, then I enter this command in the console to collapse everything:

treeView.treeModel.currentSession_rootNode.subnodes.forEach(n => n.setCollapsing(true));

and this command to remove the crashed sessions:

let i = 0; let t = setInterval(() => { let n = treeView.treeModel.currentSession_rootNode.subnodes[i]; if (n.getNodeText().includes(" (crashed ")) { console.log(`Removing node ${n.getNodeText()}`, n); n.removeOwnTreeFromParent(); } else { i++; } if (i == treeView.treeModel.currentSession_rootNode.subnodes.length) { clearInterval(t); } }, 100);

The second command might take a few seconds to run completely depending on how many tabs and crashed sessions you have.


Hi, this fixed worked great for a long time! Thanks so much, I have used it innumerable times. However, now it gives this error when I run the command:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'currentSession_rootNode') at :1:67

can you help? I would really appreciate it!

I just tried my hand at a simple duplicate nuker, will only check top level nodes and remove unnecessary™ ones. It will prefer keeping active windows, and otherwise keep the first one (since that usually has more intact favicons in my experience).

Let me know how it goes for you, and obviously don't be too shy to have a backup.


Cheers I forgot about this issue from a year ago haha made me realise I need to use the extension again!

I'll give it a go next time I've got loads of duplicates :) One step closer to having it built into the extension though, would be great if it did a cleanup each time :)

9 years later and no solution in sight

Unfortunately yeah, but you can either try my Autohotkey approach or G Luckz' Duplicate Nuker (will still try this at some stage) in the meantime.


Here's my solution for this, since the previous method by G Lückz appears to be broken in the latest version of Tabs Outliner: https://gist.github.com/dcower/ebe2fd51a1b31c4b495b782d49fab6b6

Just copy-paste into the console (Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows or Cmd+Opt+J on macOS) and run.