Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many it will be implemented faster.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small one line comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles. and Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, not it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit.

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many it will be implemented faster.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small one line comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles. and Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, not it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit.

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented faster.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit.

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented faster.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented faster.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).
Also, for quick inline marks, there is plan to add possibility assign several custom icons to nodes (that will make this feature even more useless).

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).
Also, for quick inline marks, there is plan to add possibility assign several custom icons to nodes (that will make this feature even more useless).

Looks good here. I don't really need it but if it can be achieved (easily), why not?

> why not?
Did you read my comment?
Reasons why not exist. Yet maybe I will implement this as option.

No, i didn't because when I commented it was't there. However, I'll just remove my vote then.

So far with my use of TO, I haven't found the need for this, because generally speaking a group name tells me the context of child tabs. Most sites use decent naming of their pages.
The only time I'd want to use this feature (that comes to mind now) is if a site had a horrible or blank title. The concept of persistant names is a nice thing but might be a lot of work for an under-used feature.
My opinion only, its a "nice to have", one for a rainy day when all other "awesome" features are coded and working well.

I would like this feature in order to manage my many crosh shells I have open on my chromebook.
At the moment, I either have, say, 8 crosh tabs open all called "crosh" which makes it impossible to know which server is open in each session, or I can put a label above each one, which is also a bit of a pain because it doubles the height of my tab list. An inline label option would be cleaner.
Maybe make this option configurable so that those who don't want/need it can live without the downsides but those of us who do, can opt in?

I saw in Chrome Web Store several extensions which advertise self as renamers for tab titles:
(also might be helpful to look in Related tab for all this entries)
Yet I never tried them...

None of these other extensions work properly and/or update the tab when it reloads or changes. The ones that used to work haven't worked in some time now. It would be great if TO added dynamic tab name / document.title updates.
My use case is the same as Rupert's in that I have enough tabs open that the tab width is only wide enough to display the 1st 3 letters of the page title and they are all generally the same. Being able to dynamically rename them according to some regex pattern would be awesome.

will think about this...
Anyway, maybe worth to contact the authors of all of this dozen tabs renamers so they will fix own creations?

So often websites are lazy and have a generic title for all their pages.
I have some in mind where it would be great to have a rule to regex match the URL, and then set the tab title for that - especially if part of the URL could be included in the title.
A really posh solution would also allow a cascade of rules (with a continue or end option when each matched) - that would allow me to change all those "|"s to "-"... :-)

This would be a huge help. A lot of the time websites or tabs created by contractors I'm working with either don't add a page title or make it a number or something that doesn't tell me what it is. It would be great if the function actually changed the name of the tab in chrome, but it still be very helpful if it just changed it in tabsoutliner.

There is something like Tabs Outliner v2 in development now.
I hope it will be published during this year.
And it's have this ability already.

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).
Also, for quick inline marks, there is plan to add possibility assign several custom icons to nodes (that will make this feature even more useless).

Suggestion: make this feature an option that can be enabled / disabled. I agree with your points on why there would be harm done to the user interface if this sort of icon is present on every line.

I often do a google search for something and open a bunch of search results as "child tabs" of the search page. To save memory, I'd like to then delete the search results page itself. But if I do that, all the child tabs will become unorganized. I could just archive the search results page, but then if I forget to delete it, I might later think that it was a search that I still needed to do and had saved for later.
I could make a note and move all the child tabs under it, but that's sort of tedious to do (since I can't select more than one tab at a time).
Ideally, I want to be archive the search results page, then change its name to "search results" or "delete me" or something like that, keep it around for as long as it has child tabs open, and then delete it when I'm finally done.

I am currently using the RenameTab extension which works fine, but I can't use tab outliner with it as when it starts back up after closing, all the saved locked tab title names are lost. So now I have tab outliner for everything else that I can close, and some 20+ tabs/windows for this one site that I can't ever close for fear of losing all the custom names!
Hopefully others will chime in and we can raise the price to motivate this implementation.
Thank you@

I have the same problem when I have multiple help pages open for the same product and the first words of the tab name are the product, so even with full width tabs, I don't get a meaningful difference between the tabs. So I get it.
Here's what I started doing, even before I saw this was an "urgent" feature.
At the point in your work where you want to rename the tab, add a note in OT instead. The tab itself will not change, but it will change in OT.
The OT notes can be whatever I want, usually I copy the title of the FAQ or the document subsection and paste that into OT. I can see lots of longish notes stacked up in OT and I can tell one draft version from another because I added the note. I would have to go through some kind of cut/paste operation in any other system.
I can look at OT and open exactly the tab I want. If it's already open, I don't get a duplicate. If I use Ctrl+Tab to move between tabs in Chrome, OT shows me which one I'm on and I can see the notes to tell what it is.
What am I missing that makes this not work for you? The fact that the notes are not on the tabs themselves? In my work, I need more than will fit there anyway.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).
Also, for quick inline marks, there is plan to add possibility assign several custom icons to nodes (that will make this feature even more useless).