Select and move multiple nodes at once
Currently you can only rearrange tabs and nodes one by one. E.g. when one wants to move 7 tabs from one node/window to another node/window you have to do that one by one. This is annoying. I would like to be able to do multiple selection with the SHIFT and CTRL keys ... that is standard behavior in many list manipulation tools.

Sync Tabs Tree
Is it possible to sync tabtree between computers?
There's one extension that write sessions (tabs) into bookmarks, so it will be sync'ed automatically.

Exiting Chrome normally causes (crashed) duplicates in the list?
Please see the video at: http://youtu.be/hS_-aZeMZLk
Timestamp guide of the bug:
- 0:14 I exit Chrome via the menu -> Exit option
- 0:20 I launch Chrome
- 0:42 You can see the 2 groups (that were open when I exited Chrome) have been duplicated? The old groups are marked as crashed?
My Chrome is set to "Continue where I left off" on start up
My Chrome version at the time of record was Windows: beta-m

Option to remove duplicates from the tree
I have over 3000 tabs in my tree, lots of duplicates - it would be great to have an option to remove Duplicates. I'm currently using Tab Dupectomy but reopening a bigger amount of tabs causes Chrome or TO to crash.

"delete" and "unload"| icons are too close, this is very error-prone without "undo"
while we are confined to mouse for unloading, there is quite high chance to delete whatever you wanted to save.
It's even worse with how icons are jumping around sometimes based on mouse-overed item type
Please, resolve this by adding "undo" of some sort and/or making icons not so close together.
Or somehow else.

Non an issue as if the item have the unload icon then it is represent the open Chrome item (tab of window). If accidentally deleted such items can be always restored from Chrome by the "Recent closed windows/tabs list".
The undo is planed anyway, and other features which can help resolve this issue even further, like the tree aware history, but this issue, as it is formulated, is actually not very critical - exactly this case - items with unload and delete icons actually have the undo possibility.
So meantime i just trash this bug.
UPDATE: Or better leave it there with an answer.

Ability to rename tabs, and have it remember its new name, even if the tab tries changing it.

Please vote on this idea if it is really needed by many -- it will be implemented.
Yet before voting first consider that there is note functionality to add small, one line, comments to tab. And they have much better visibility than inline labels or custom titles.
Also this will make pencil icon (in hovering menu) visible on every line, now it is present mostly only on windows nodes, and this make things a little less cluttered, and more easy to aim on window node for edit (so this is not something totally positive, and have own drawbacks and compromises, and this is why this feaure is absent by the way).
Also, for quick inline marks, there is plan to add possibility assign several custom icons to nodes (that will make this feature even more useless).

Request: Option to remove ALL crashed sessions (windows and tabs) in one click
I'm using Tabs Outliner on both Chrome and Chromium on my KDE Debian GNU/Linux platform - and while it's really helping to quell my rampant tab addiction, I still have a few dozen windows with multiple tabs, during most sessions.
The problem is that both Chrome and Chromium appear to crash on shutdown more often than not - this may well be a KDE problem, perhaps just not giving enough time for the apps to sanely quit - but I can't say for sure. On startup all my Chrom* windows & tabs are restored automatically (no 'the app crashed on the last run - do you want to restore tabs?' option is given).
In either case, it's quite a pain to go back through the history of crashed sessions and collapse & delete them individually.

This is known problem and of course it is annoy me also. But the fix is not easy one, and currently the cloud backup is more important issue and needed more, so this will be in idle state for some time.
The only advise i can give you is that - simple don't use chrome restore. On Chrome restart open TO, ensure that all you windows is there and readily available to be restored if you want so, then say cancel to Chrome restore and restore everything from TO. This really works for me, but of course require some new habits and not so convenient, but this is also really reduce number of open windows. As most of the time after crash need restore max 2-3 tabs anyway, not all 300-400 that was open before the crash...
Yet of course this must be fixed and it will be fixed. As it is simple impossible to repeat this every day in emails : )) This is the problem the most new users report to me directly.

Functionality to Collapse All Groups
I can see there is a way to expand all groups, and then a way to undo the expansion. However, I don't see any way to collapse all groups, which would be useful.

TO extension For Brave
I would love an extension for Brave, the chrome extension (with a lot of work) almost kind of works in brave already. I'm reasonably sure it wouldn't be hard to add support, there also seems to be no way to buy the pro version currently due to the lack of brave being tied to a google account. Love the Extension, keep up the good work :)

Vladyslav - Have you thought about open-sourcing this project?
Tabs Outliner has the potential to be the best browser tool that Google never built -- but you obviously don't have the time to maintain it -- why not open source the project? Many developers like myself would be interested to contribute bug fixes and improvements. It would make the tool much more powerful for users.
I understand that you would like to get paid for your work, but it seems you need a different business model than you currently have to keep up with technical issues like memory consumption, crashes, etc. Consider open sourcing this, and let the developer community help you!
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