Ability to filter tabs (not just use built in search)
Actually filtering tabs (instead of just searching for a keyword) is useful when you're trying to "clean up" a large session.
Consider the case where you have a bunch of wikipedia tabs open, and you want to move them all into their own group. If you could filter for wikipedia and select multiple tabs (with ctrl/shift clicking, etc) then you could drag them all into their own group to quickly "clean up" your session and pull out the things that are important and close the things that aren't.
Also, if you implement your own filtering function (instead of relying on chrome's) it lets you implement more powerful filtering like logical AND, OR, NOT for filtering/search criteria.

This feature is for sure needed. It will appear along with support additional (independent) tree documents.

Keyboard shortcuts
Wherever possible, I use keyboard shortcuts in lieu of the mouse. (E.g., to search for "Linux" on Wikipedia, I input: Ctrl-L -> "wiki" -> [tab] -> "Linux" -> [enter].) Keyboard shortcuts would be a tremendously useful addition to this powerful extension. (Unless, of course, they're already there -- I didn't see any mention in the quick intro section.)

This is NUMBER ONE task after i will finish the solution to sync the tree between PCs and to the Cloud.
Many other cool front end improvements awaiting my hands, but this is definitely must be done in a first order.

Firefox/Cross-Platform Support (Via WebExtensions)
Please consider supporting Firefox in addition to Chrome. Firefox has near-parity with Chrome's extension API. (This might also let you support Edge at the same time.)

Preserving Tab History for each tab when saving, either auto or manually
I'd like to be able to restore my tabs that I had open, but ensure that the tab history is intact when restored. I want to be able to go back in the history of a tab to check previously visited sites. This needs to be done especially when auto-saving a session, so that one can be rest assured that their browsing session remains completely intact even if Chrome crashes (and the "Restore Session" button does not come up).

Unfortunately, this is a most common request, yet it cannot be done now because of the Chrome limitations. It's impossible meantime to restore back and forward history from extension. So there is no any extension in the Chrome Store that can do so.
The Chrome API's to support this are currently in development. I plan to take advantage of them as soon as they're complete.
To monitor its progress please stare there issues:
Please stare them anyway, this will help to raise their importance for a Chrome team.

Dock Tabs Outliner window to Chrome window
I'm missing the feature to dock the Tabs Outliner window to a Chrome window.

Please remove the call to window.requestFileSystem so that this addon can work in Firefox
I can't live without this addon, it is the only thing that works for management of a lot of tabs.
Unfortunately I can no longer use Chrome because it does not have delayed tab loading and it forces the user to load 1000 tabs at startup which can take hours and consume 15 gigabytes of memory. So I switched to Firefox Nightly (with the new Lazy Tabs virtualbrowser feature of Firefox 56) which can load 1000 tabs in 5 seconds total.
So I am trying to use Tabs Outliner in Firefox. (using Chrome Store Foxified addon)
The problem is that this addon gives an error, because the window.requestFileSystem API does not exist in Firefox WebExtensions.
Please remove this requestFileSystem functionality and use the indexdb instead, so that this extension can work on Firefox.
Thank you so much.

Very high memory usage in TO

From version to version there is a progress in this regards actually. Next version will have even lower memory usage. But some limits just very hard to overcome. Take note that sometimes even the simplest web pages consume dozen of megabytes of ram in the Chrome. It is well famous for this feature : )
The 250 MB memory consumption can be real. If you have something around 15 000 saved nodes. Next version will reduce this, but not on a magnitude.
My advice for now, if you have many thousands nodes (note that other extension just cannot even come close to such counts of simultaneously visible nodes) and the ram consumption is a big issue for you - expand all nodes, save the tree as a plain text web page (through Ctrl-S).
Check if this page is rendered ok (reopen it in some tab)
Then uninstall Tabs Outliner - this will delete all its data (WARNING!!! THIS WILL DELETE ALL ITS DATA!!! RE READ THIS). Then install it again and start your tree from scratch. This will return you ram usage to 10-15MB.
Use your saved in html tree to access for old data (you can drag from it back to main view some individual windows and groups by the way).
Other solution - having most of the part of tree collapsed - if items is collapsed it is not rendered in HTML, and consume very little ram. But it is actually more useful to have your old tree as a separate web page.
There is some price that need to be paid for some features. If you have a lot of data visible on screen in HTML world this is unfortunately lead to a big memory usage. In fact - if you continue to grow your tree indefinitely the ram usage will continue to grows also, you can reach any digits that you want this way. So you need decide what is more important for you - the ram, or having all the data in one tree.
I am periodically (once in 6 months actually) drop the whole tree in a file and start from scratch. Soon there will be better way for a same - it will be possible to create separate tree documents. So all the data will continue to be searchable and editable (the tree in a static HTML file is not editable by drag and drop... but editable in any HTML editor by the way)

can't restore backup, Google Drive error
As of this morning I can't restore backups. It seems to be an issue with Google Drive. When I try to restore the TO window is shown, but this error pops up:
Error: A network error occurred, and the download could not be completed. Check you Internet connection.
If I look at the URL it is trying to open and try to open the https://content.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/..... part directly then I get: 403 Forbidden Your client does not have permission.
I'm hoping this is a transient Google Drive issue, but wondering if anyone knows more.

undo an event (such as sending a tab to trash or moving a tab)

Please open the source
I know this isn't easy, but it shouldn't also be easy to see your child orphaned. It's been 2 years you don't publish any new public versions.
It seems now that GDrive had changed its URL or something, and viewing backups got broken. New changes will come that require fixes, and I fear some day TO will go inoperable.
That is summed to the years-old issue of the licensing tool, that only works on Chrome. You've been forcing us into Chrome for years. We wanna move to Vivaldi and Brave, but must remain on Chrome.
The sad fact is that browsers extensions isn't a profitable business. Few ppl buy extensions for browsers that are free. I'd pay a subscription, but even fewer would. And charging once for a lifetime license isn't sustainable.
A few months ago Sandboxie was made freeware, and its owner is promising to open its source. I had also bought its lifetime license and used its features for years, and now they are free for anybody, and we lost our support and will need to hope an open source community to rise and support it.
This is also sad and hard, but it's still better than have a software we love and use everyday, and which we bought, to die like that.
Don't let this happen. There's no other tabs manager nearly as good as yours. We bought it, we supported you. Many of us are willing to subscribe if that brings your hard work back. If you can't, or you think we're not numbered enough to bother, then just open the source so we can hope somebody else can take it.
See ClassicShell in example.
Customer support service by UserEcho