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Share license across Google accounts

Grega 8 років тому оновлено Luciano Commendatore 8 років тому 5

Hi! I'm using two Google accounts/profiles in my Chrome, one is for work and one is personal. I recently purchased Tabs Outliner but I was sad to discover that license was only applied to one of these two profiles. Is this intended? What can I do to use the license on both profiles?



How to fund Tabs Outliner's development?

tabsoutdbes1 11 років тому оновлено Hikari 5 років тому 3
[I've created a new thread for this topic which began here: http://tabsoutliner.userecho.com/topic/132080-sync-tabs-tree/#comment-626646 ]

Hi Vladyslav,

I'm finally able to reply and can now spend some time thinking about how to generate money for your work on Tabs Outliner.

> There is also many similar tools in a same field

These tools only appear similar at first glance. Once you start using Tabs Outliner you realize that it is a very different tool.

> direct competitors, with near half a million users
> count, who will be more then happy to take the
> sources, and just publish them as updated version
> of their own tool.

The bottom line is that there needs to be a way to generate revenue regardless of whether Tabs Outliner stays proprietary or becomes Free Software.

Before contemplating other ways of generating revenue, let's start by investigating the potential of fundraising.

A fundraising campaign could, of course, fund software of either license type. Fundraising often has a goal. If the goal was to raise enough money to change the license to a Free Software license, and if you never made any more money off of Tabs Outliner after this fundraiser, how much money would need to be raised? Think of a number that would include allowing you to do Tabs Outliner development for one additional year (that way we could at least get some bugs cleaned-up).

And there's no correct answer to that question. There would likely be multiple reasons you might pick say $10,000 as the number, and multiple reasons you might pick $50,000 as the number. You might also decide that there is no maximum amount you would be willing to accept in return for changing the license.

The point is simply to start our investigation of possibilities by explicitly detailing as many of the knowns as possible.

BTW, in case it's not obvious, if the license was a Free Software license, when the day arrives that you are no longer able to spend time developing Tabs Outliner the user community would be able to find someone else to continue this work.

-- david

Under review

Should TO remember if a tab was pinned?

Kyle Milnes 12 років тому оновлено Qwerty Qwerty 11 місяців тому 6

Per subject, as of writing, To doesn't restore tabs as pinned (if they were previously pinned).

vladyslav volovyk 12 років тому

It is by design. When TO moves or restore pined tabs it unpin them. Restoring tabs as pinned have some far-reaching drawbacks, as they are moved by chrome to be the first tabs in the tab strip and have some other special behaviors  The best solution I found after long experiments, to numerous problems, is simple unpin tabs upon restore. Maybe need put this in option actually. Yet I am not sure it is so critical to do anything about this. If there was many votes for this I will add such option.

Personally i never use pined tabs so i even unsure how people are using them and in what practical scenarious.


Only some restored tabs are pinned

MZ Guy 11 років тому оновлено Brendan Weibrecht 3 роки тому 10
I have several windows that I save and restore with each time I restart Chrome. One of these windows has several pinned tabs. When restoring, TO seems to restore all the tabs as pinned, except for the first in the window / list. The first tab in the window gets restored unpinned.

How much money do you want, Vlad?

OpenSourceItVlad 1 рік тому оновлено Jenetiko WildCat 1 рік тому 1

Tabs Outliner is THE BEST session manager on the largest browser. The fact that Google hasn't bought you out already is crazy to me. 

Alright, I'll buy you out. We'll buy you out. How much to open source it? You should either choose to develop it, or let the rest of us develop it. Tabs Outliner is too important to be left sitting.


Microsoft Edge on Chrome - allow sync across OneDrive

Jim0206 6 років тому оновлено Racko The Third 3 роки тому 5

Now that Microsoft Edge is being developed using the chromium engine and it can use Chrome extensions, please can Tabs Outliner support it?

I have installed Tabs Outliner in 'Edge dev', and it seems to be excellent, considering the limitations of chromium in that it will not allow the Tabs Outliner window to be permanently there within the window, like Firefox allows with similar extensions. 

I've recently got a new laptop so am looking at ways that I can work across both desktop and laptop without losing productivity.  Tabs Outliner seems to be an excellent option, and if I can get this sorted then a paid upgrade is a definite.

Regrettably, it does not let me save backups to the google drive, because it is Edge dev not Google Chrome, and I'm logged in to my OneDrive account, not my Google account.  I use Edge for different things than Google Chrome.

I am also now planning to use it in Google Chrome, and in that, Tabs Outliner runs separate from the instance in Edge beta, and happily allows me to select my google account to backup to.


Sort tabs in folders

Larry Farnsworth 9 років тому оновлено Brett Adam 6 років тому 4

I create quite a few tabs in a window, and the list gets quite big. Sometimes I inadvertently create a tab that is the same as one in the list. I would love to be able to sort the tabs in a window so I can easily see duplicate tabs and remove them. Ideally I'd love a dedupe feature, but that sounds complicated and hard. :)

Under review

TO Extension for Opera Sidebar

CAVR 10 років тому оновлено EliiO 2 роки тому 11
Now that Opera supports sidebar extensions (addons.opera.com/en/extensions/?tag=sidebar), it would be awesome to see a TO implementation for the browser taking advantage of that.
Under review

"Attach to Chrome" Option

Strix 11 років тому оновлено Philip von Feilitzsch 8 років тому 3
I suggest that you add an "attach to Chrome" option. With it enabled, the menu of Tabs Outliner would be attached to the browser – such as in the Firefox extension "Tree Style Tabs" – instead of staying in a separate window or tab. As far as I know, yes, it's possible to add sidebars in Chrome – just search the web for "sidebar chrome".

Or simply add some kind of dropdown menu.
vladyslav volovyk 11 років тому
Not a top priority, but yes, it will be cool to have such feature.

Worth to note that that this can even be done by separate extension. Which will create own, always attached to the Chrome side panel, or the native sidebar, if this is really possible, and then open Tabs Outliner main view in this panel - it's easily possible as the Tabs Outliner View is just the regular web page with an url, and so it can be opened in a regular tab or a frame (for example it is the way how cloned views created in regular tabs, by using the Clone button)

This extension will also be able also to serve other pages in such a sidebar - very cool idea.

If some web developer reading this - consider to implement such an extension. It will be utilized then by many other extensions.

Maybe it is even already created.... the idea is very cool, need to investigate.


Use license with multiple profiles?

Dustin Wehr 9 років тому оновлено CodedToday 7 років тому 2

I like to use a separate profile for testing my code, so I can install any extensions without much consideration of security. Chrome doesn't let you sign in to the same account from two profiles on a single computer. Is there any way to do this?