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Would be Nice if New Windows Opened Groups Above a Placed Separator

Mossload 11 ár síðan updated by vladyslav volovyk 11 ár síðan 1

I am able to make Groups (Saved Window) but, when I open & close chrome, a new group is created at the bottom of the list, below my created group (saved window).  After opening & closing chrome a few times, my saved window/group gets lost among many new groups.  If I create a separator, it makes no difference, new groups continue to be created below the separator.


Paid version price

MZ Guy 9 ár síðan updated by Rus El 3 mánuður síðan 32

I can't find this anywhere: what's the price of the paid version?


Right click in tab tree view to organize tabs

Wendy Xue 9 ár síðan Uppfært 9 ár síðan 1
It will be great if in the tree tab view, we can right click the tab and then send that tab to different kind of folders (groups name) that we have set up before to organize our messy tab, without having to drag and drop and messy scrolling up and down. please consider.

Deleting an uncollapsed window, does not delete the contained tab

Yousef Haidar 9 ár síðan 0

I understand that this might be a feature, to quickly remove tabs from the parent window. However, it is not ideally to have to click two buttons; first click the the collapse button; then click the delete button, just to delete a single window. If it is a feature to remove tabs from the window then please add a button for it, and make the delete work as it should.

I wasn't sure if this is a bug or a feature, to me it looks like a bug. if it was a feature, then I would assume it would be clear that the button will delete the window without the tabs.


Instead of a new window, have a dropdown from button?

Nick Portelli 11 ár síðan updated by vladyslav volovyk 11 ár síðan 1

Or have it an option?  I don't think Chrome allows sidebars like Firefox does.  Maybe even resize the windows so they are side by side and viewable at the same time?


Window being restored when it shouldn't

MZ Guy 10 ár síðan Uppfært 10 ár síðan 2
My Chrome settings are set to "Open the New Tab page". However, on each Chrome restart, Tabs Outliner (I imagine it's not Chrome) is duplicating one of the named windows in my tree, and loading it immediately. How do I prevent this?

Have you considered increasing the default transparency of the bottom left UI?

Kyle Milnes 12 ár síðan updated by vladyslav volovyk 10 ár síðan 3

In the "new user" scenario, had I not read the docs, I might not of know the bottom left UI was there.

I have an ATI card, attached is a screenshot for what its worth. I do use a program call F.lux  that automatically adjusts my monitors to be kind on my eyes, based on time of day. I disabled this and still feel the default setting is too hard to make out?

Without something behind

Image 2

With something behind, I totally missed it when I first loaded the extension.

Image 3

vladyslav volovyk 12 ár síðan

Looks perfectly unnoticeable, as intended.


Integrate with Task Management

MZ Guy 10 ár síðan updated by Lusine Avedis 6 ár síðan 5
Tabs Outliner is great for organizing tabs. I currently use Tabs Outliner for "deal with sometime" web projects. I'd like to be able to manage those projects fully, with deadlines. I now have a large tree in TO, with named groups and windows. As things stand now, items get lost in the tree, and I forget to deal with them. It takes to long to go through the tree every day to see if there is something I need to deal with. Remember the Milk allows for a single URL associated with each task, but no way I can figure to "refer" to my tree. I could always name things in TO to match a task name in RTM, then search the tree for the task name every time, but I wonder if someone has a better solution. Any ideas? Thanks.



frvranon 11 ár síðan 0

just want to thank you for the best tabs solution ever. i'd like vote it up at the chrome webstore, but those bastards want me to sign on AND create a profile.  I'm damned if i'll give them ways to target their marketing at me, so sadly my only recourse is to post this expression of my gratitude.

all the best