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Spotlight current Chrome with do not auto-scroll option no longer working

Chris 6 years ago 0

I have this option ticked:

Do not auto-scroll the main view on active Chrome window switch.After disabling auto-scroll, you still be able to spotlight the current Chrome window in the Tabs Outliner's view by pressing the Tabs Outliner's extension button 

 - it will scroll the tree to display the current focused Chrome window and its tabs at the top of the Tabs Outliner's view.

When clicking the Tabs Outliner icon on a Chrome window it opens a new Tabs Outliner instead of scrolling to the current Chrome window in the already open one. This was working until recently.

Tabs Outliner: 1.4.134

Chrome: Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)

OS: Ubuntu 16.04


import tabs as bookmarks

Is it possible to import my tree or branches of my tree as bookmarks?  I'd like to be able to keep my tree clean by 'archiving' sets of tabs from a TO tree to Chrome bookmarks.


Tree lost out of seemingly nowhere

Seto Konowa 6 years ago 0

Hi there! What happened to me was, I wanted to open Tabs Outliner as I usually do, so I clicked on the TO icon. Strangely enough though, TO didn't start up and the icon disappeared. I went to the Extensions tab and saw TO was listed as "possibly damaged". I clicked the option to repair it and the extension redownloaded and reinstalled. It worked again but all my old trees disappeared, so it looked like I had just installed a fresh new TO. Is there anything I can do to get my old tree back?


Tabs Outliner opens on Windows Startup

Larry Cuba 6 years ago 0

How can I prevent Tabs Outliner from opening on Windows 7 startup? I'd rather it just open when I start Chrome.


Under review

All tabs are saved

cpriest 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

I have the paid version on 3 computers.  On the first computer I installed it on, no matter how the tab/window is closed, with no notes/changes/edits to the tree it was on, it will be saved in the outline.

This does not happen on my other two computers, I've re-read the instructions several times and as far as I can tell this is not the intended behavior.

I have gone and cleared the extension background process caches, uninstalled/reinstalled, even searched for your plugin id on my drive and deleted any db's/json found there.

Still on my first computer, this aberrant behavior.

vladyslav volovyk 6 years ago

Most likely you have enabled in chrome://flags the Fast tab/window close feature.
It's not supported and this cause all closed windows to continue stay in the tree.

If i correctly understand the problem( not sure about this)


how change my forum password

Bob Onysko 7 years ago 0

How do I change the password for https://TabsOutliner.userecho.com


There are always things people would like to be different - and I think that is a good thing. But sometimes, the author/programmer has to say 'no.' What is the current session

Bob Onysko 7 years ago 0

Sometimes the author/programmer has to say 'no.' to some changes.  A lot of thought went into this extension and I applaud the author for his ingenuity.


What is the current session?

Bob Onysko 7 years ago 0

What does the Current Session represent?


What is the current session?

Bob Onysko 7 years ago 0

Don't understand what the current session represents.


Scroll bar doesn't stay where I left it

Bob Onysko 7 years ago 0

The scroll bar never stays at the last level I left it at.  Is there a way to do this?  Thank you.