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Bookmark groups

Barczi Imre (blumi) il y a 9 ans 0

I use quite big part of my tree as bookmark storage. While I could use to how it works, I have difficulties. So if it's a legal or recommended use to store my bookmarks here, here are a few ideas:

  • It would be nice to be able to "lock" a group meaning all elements under it cannot be deleted with an accidental tab close, only from the TO window. So basically under locked tree parts, the tab close is equal to "save and close" instead of "delete".
  • If I drag a link from a webpage to the tree, it makes a nice entry with the web page title (or the link title which is the same in Youtube for example). However I cannot easily bookmark the actual page I'm on. Of course I can the drag the current page link from the location bar to the TO tree, but it only shows the link there without the title. I have to open it at least once to get the real title. It would be much faster if in this case TO could use actual page's title.
  • I'm not hundred percent sure in this, but when I choose a link from my bookmarks, now I always have to press shift so it will open in a new window. But if I have a locked (see first point) region which is used as bookmark storage, I never want to open the link in it's original context, but as a new window (shift) or as a new tab in the actual window (ctrl). Or another good solution could be that my bookmark opens in its original context, but if I open a link from this webpage (that I opened from a bookmark) it should open a new window. In oher words: if I open a link in new tab in my browser on a page which is in a locked part of the tree, the new tab should open in a new window else it will contaminate the locked parts..

Ok I think I can make illustrations for this if it's not clear.


Group/window background colour

Barczi Imre (blumi) il y a 9 ans mis à jour par Bjorn Stabell il y a 6 ans 1

I find the use of three different background colours in group/window titles rather confusing. I believe that a brown group contains links I didn't opened yet (?) and if I open it, it will become gray, but it's a concept/mechanism I don't need or really understand. (I use a part of my tree for bookmarks, this distinguishment is not needed there at all.)

A simple solution would be maybe if I could set the colours, but under the Colour settings I only have 4 options, these background colours are not available to change, it would be nice if that colour tab contained all UI elements in the tree.

Image 21+



pc world il y a 12 ans mis à jour par thapar il y a 10 ans 2

Just a small suggestion, a changelog section in the About window would be nice.

That way you know what has changed and you can test new features or see if bugs have been fixed.

I saw that you posted a few changelogs in the Google Group, but it seems incomplete and putting them all in one place might make more sense.

vladyslav volovyk il y a 12 ans

Yeh, need do this, at list in support group in more consistent way. Release several excellent updates several weeks ago with some interesting features and even not mentioned them nowhere. too many other work..


Dragging will fail if you drop below bottom of list

Peter Eliot il y a 11 ans mis à jour par vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans 0
If you select a node/tree and drag it below the main list, a destination highlight will appear, but releasing the node will not successfully move it. It appears that visually, it's detecting the drag correctly, but for the actual moving of the nodes, it requires that you drag to exactly the bottom of the left-side line to drop something at the bottom of the list.

Additionally, I think if you drag to beyond the bottom of the list it would be better to drop the nodes in the root, rather than inside the bottom-most node (as the visual indicator suggests it would do, if it worked). That's a preference issue.

New tabs are child of window, not child of parent tab

Todd Kaufmann il y a 9 ans mis à jour il y a 9 ans 1
new tabs always appear at top-level under the parent window, not the
tab that I opened it from when doing 'Open Link in New Tab'.

Last week after having chrome running for over two weeks,
and reading about some chrome update (after google i/o) and seeing my
chrome was not up-to-date, I decided to restart.

Everytime I started TO it would crash.
I looked up the problem in the forums here but the solutions didn't help.

So, I spend way too much time and reverse engineered the format by
creating a new chrome user and looking at the TO file there.
Then I wrote something to split up the TO file from my 985 windows
into more managable pieces (windows 1-100, 101-200, ..., 900-985) and
renumber them so I could save them as html.
[I'll write more about that in another message, time permitting.]

Instead of starting from scratch I started with the last set of 86
windows, which went back over a month, and I can access the html file
if I need to.

I would start from scratch, but drag-n-drop from saved HTML doesn't work on the Mac (?).
It looks like the entire tree is dragging over, but when I drop in Tabs Outliner it
creates a note entry with text like:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"><!--tabsoutlinerdata:begin{"type":"link_","title":"awscli - Google Search","url":"https://www.google.com/search?q=awscli&oq=awscli&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3535j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8","subnodes":[{"type":"link_","title":
(probably truncated because note can only be 300 characters)

Problem now:
new tabs always appear at top-level under the parent window, not the
tab that I opened it from. What would cause that?
Also, 'expand all' usually causes tabs outliner to crash, so I suspect
there is still some slight corruption.

Note: crossposted at
I just found about userecho.


How to remember closed tabs in TO when U close a window and open it again?

Michal P. il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Hikari il y a 5 ans 6

I can't manage in TO with very basic feature. The key feature of TO is to use (click) Green Cross refered to single tab in TO tree to close that tab but keeping it in the list of TO. All is fine before U finish the session with that window and close the window but clicking Green Cross refering to that window.

   The problem is when I come back to the session of that window by double clicking the window in TO tree view - my action of making a tab not visible in the window but visible in the list of TO is not restored.

  After restoring the window all saved tabs are visible in Google Chrome but action of tabs to be closed but listed in TO is completely forgotten.

  The Tabs Outliner help is not so clear for me to explain me that issue.

  Without managing with this problem, I can't manage with my many tabs which makes my Google Chrome to work so senseless slow.


Tabs Outliner window getting out of sync with browser sync

Henrik Olsson il y a 11 ans mis à jour par vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans 8


I'm having some issues with your extension. Sometimes a new tab stays as "New Tab" in the outliner window even if i've browsed somewhere in it. This seems to happen only with some websites. What i'm doing:

1. Open new tab with CTRL+T

2. Start typing an url ("reddit" for example)

3. Press enter when autocompletion pops up

4. Site loads, but the outliner entry stays as "New Tab" and gets stuck as it. Clicking on it in the outline doesn't focus the tab in the browser window.

It seems to only happen to some websites/urls. It seems that if i instead of pressing enter in step 3 press CTRL+A (goes to the start of the address bar in my OS) then press enter, it works.

I see a lot of errors in the console for the background page for the extension like this: 

ERROR Cannot find tab - setActiveTab 550 389 background.js:47

ERROR############## Cannot find tab550 in this.treeModel 550 

Object {active: true, highlighted: true, id: 550, incognito: false, index: 7…}

[e, Kb: e, yb: function, findActiveWindow: function, X: function, getAllCollapsedNodes: function…]



Google Chrome Version 26.0.1410.43

Tabs Outliner 0.4.52

I had some other extensions installed but i've deactivated them but it doesn't seem to help.

vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans

Problem is detected and fix/workaround will be released soon (i hope - today). This is actually a Chrome v26  bug, Chrome extensions API start send inconsistent events in some cases. 

Yet of course it is impractical to wait till the Chrome team will fix this (if they will be bothered at all, some serious bugs that i report to them was ignored, even despite they are regressions). So i will release a workaround on my own.

UPDATE Fixed in v0.4.55 - wait till your copy will be update or force update by entering the developer mode in the extensions list and pressing "Update Extensions Now" button.

Pas un bug

Incognito windows open as normal windows in TO

Yak Rider il y a 11 ans mis à jour il y a 9 ans 4

Currently, all outliner tabs open in normal chrome windows, even when initially (before they were closed), they were incognito tabs. 

This can be a real pain because often times we work with one logged in  normal window, and several incognito tabs without identifying information, when accidentally opened through tab outliner without incognito mode, this can be very dangerous for our identity (and for many others in sensitive work or locations around the world)

It appears that opening incognito is simply providing the -incognito switch when starting up a window/tab, so hopefully this would be easy to fix? 

Thanks a lot for this wonderful product, it makes workflow so much easier without constantly having chrome eat up half the computer memory!

vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans

> this can be very dangerous for our identity (and for many others in sensitive work or locations around the world)

Just please don't enable the Tabs Outliner in incognito mode. And you sensitive information will be fine. This is the default and there is reasons for this, as you already found, some of them.

Or consider to create a new separate  profile for your incognito related work, if it is happens to have dozen of windows every time. 

> It appears that opening incognito is simply providing the -incognito switch when starting up a window/tab, so hopefully this would be easy to fix? 

No it's not as easy as you think. The issue is way more complicated than just reopening the windows in incognito mode. The incognito mode is not supported meantime, and most likely will never be. Please disable the Tabs Outliner for your incognito windows.


quick close outline

Shawn Holt il y a 11 ans mis à jour par vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans 1

Create group.  shows up at bottom of list.  All sub items expanded in hierarchy, want to get to top, have to close all items to scrol.  would rather have button to close all expanded items or ideally at a certain level (ie. level 1, 2, 3)

vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans

Meantime work on synchronization but for future version is planed a context menu with an entry for a such functionality, and a bunch of related.



Charles Dyson il y a 11 ans mis à jour par vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans 1
1. Open tabs outliner in a normal chrome tab.
2. A way to restore/hide more than one tab at a time
3. A way to hide tabs without opening the tab outliner window. 

vladyslav volovyk il y a 11 ans
About 3) - next major version will actually include shortcuts for this. Without inserting any script in all pages. Chrome recently implement a support for such global actions. This is already implemented in my private build, still cannot manage to release.

Regarding 1) You can create a regular bookmark to Tabs Oultiner window - get a link for it from The Tabs Outliner itself, by right clicking on node that represent its tab ans select "copy link adress". this bookmark will be able to open Tabs Outliner in a regular window

2) as Peter Eliot mention - sometime reading the manual is a good idea ; )