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Anonim 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez vladyslav volovyk 11 lat temu 7

I assume people have already asked about whether TO can be implemented as a sidebar rather than a separate window, but have not found reference to it yet.  Is this a consideration?

Personally, I would find this much easier to use.  But then, I am not used to having multiple windows open, but having one window with many many tabs instead.  Since my recent move to Chrome from FF and Opera, am being pushed into using different windows.  For what it is worth, the tab grouping functionality in Opera is the best, and I see OT as a possible way to make Chrome behave somewhat sensibly.

vladyslav volovyk 11 lat temu

Real sidebars is not possible in Chrome meantime.

In past I was experimenting and do some attempts to mimic this by separate window which always follow active window, but this approach works ugly and have tons of drawbacks.

Rumors says that maybe In next year Chrome team fill implement such functionality for extensions writers, yet latest trend show that actually maybe extensions is now out of favor by Google in compare to so called Chrome apps, so I think this is unlikely.

Yet must say that current logic of Tabs Outliner will not gain a lot from being in sidebar to some window, as it is show and allow operations on all windows, so it is much more logically and handy to have it as sidebar to the desktop or monitor side, not a some window.

Current implementation also has some advantages in compare to sidebar. For example it is much more convenient to resize a separate window to see longer titles. Other small advantages. I am a former Firefox user and as so also think that sidebars is a way to go initially, but now I really like separate window concept for this specific case much more.

 Yet when native sidebar will be available I will utilize them.


Would it be possible to increase the contrast on the closed/preserved tabs - I find them very hard to read.

Cam Huff 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez vladyslav volovyk 11 lat temu 2

I have found the closed/preserved tab items very hard to read because the contrast between the text and the background is so low (by design?). It would be useful to have an option to set a higher contrast font  (I just downloaded the app. It sounds very useful! Will let you know how I like it after I've used it for a while. Thanks.)

vladyslav volovyk 11 lat temu

For sometime already it is possible to configure colors of the Tabs Outliner main items. See the options. 

Just review the bugs and found this issue, sorry for late status update.


Sort folders alphabetically

Larry O'Brien 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez August Mohr 8 lat temu 1
I have dozens of named folders that I like to keep for research. Right now, I manually drag them into place to order them. It would be nice if there was an option to sort them alphabetically automatically. 

Add support for Tab Groups and fix Pinned Tabs

Qwerty Qwerty 3 miesięcy temu 0

It's been long years since the other tickets found on this forum got any attention so it seems to me that it's about time to bring new insights and start new conversation.

11 years https://tabsoutliner.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/73-should-to-remember-if-a-tab-was-pinned 
8 years https://tabsoutliner.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/135-bug-when-working-with-pinned-tabs 
3 years https://tabsoutliner.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/489-can-you-add-chrome-tab-groups-support-save-tree-with-tab-groups-title-and-load-after-open
2 years https://tabsoutliner.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/497-support-tab-groups-in-chrome-beta 

Grouped tabs don't restore in groups. They don't show as groups in Tab Outliner UI tree either.

Image 188

Only some tabs get restored as pinned. They don't show as pinned in Tab Outliner UI tree either.

Image 189

There are valid use cases for both standard chrome features, that are thoroughly mentioned in the linked tickets, so it seems that there is no argument against also adding them to the extension.


GDrive Back-up for Microsoft Edge?

Miranda Zhang 2 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Tomas 2 lat temu 1

I use Microsoft Edge which runs on Chromium (but is not Google Chrome). When I try to enable Backup to Google Drive on the Tabs Outliner settings, the following error pops up: Error: OAuth2 request failed: Connection failed (-2).

Is there a fix for this?


Duplicate tabs removal

Altair Evercroft 5 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Chasel J. Weng 4 lat temu 1

This feature request is for the user's ability to mass-remove all tabs with duplicate URLs from the tree.

Hope to get a response as to whether the suggested feature is going to be added to TabsOutliner.

Best regards,


Enable manual backup that is not reliant on Google, for privacy's sake.

Ahmad Gharbeia 6 lat temu 0

Not everyone who uses this extension want to reply on Google for all of their data solutions. Some don't even use Google Chrome, but rather its free brother Chromium.


The developer hasn't commented in 6 months :/

Erick 7 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Cezary Dendek 7 lat temu 1

Seems like the development of this is completely dead. I upgraded to pro but there are still lots of bugs that need to be worked out


How to I access my Google Drive backups on a new computer?

Robert Best 7 lat temu 0

I don't see my backups saved anywhere in my drive folder system

Z odpowiedzią

Is this project alive?

xiio 7 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Taras D 7 lat temu 6

I wanted to get premium version but it doesn't work (?) last updated is from february 2016. Is this project alive?